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Chromium. Usage. Tv. Google Chrome: The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome. SExpand We've got a newer, always up-to-date version here.P Click to view Now that you've been enjoying Google Chrome's headliner features and speed for almost a week now, it's time to dig into the less obvious functionality and options you don't already know about.

Become a keyboard shortcut master, take a peek under the hood, and customize its behavior and skin with some of the best shortcuts, bookmarklets, themes, add-ons, and subtle functionality in Google Chrome.P What, you don't like Google Chrome? Here, have the power user's guide to Firefox 3.P Mousing Around ChromeP Despite its marketing as a minimalistic browser that forgoes all the extras, Chrome's interface actually sports quite a few useful features. Chrome's Keyboard ShortcutsP If you're not much for the mouse, you're in luck: Google Chrome has lots of built-in keyboard shortcuts, many of which mirror Firefox's—so you don't have to retrain your fingers. Tweak Your OptionsP Set multiple tab as your home page. ThemesP. Design Elements - Google V8 JavaScript Engine - Google Code. JavaScript's integration with Netscape Navigator in the mid 1990s made it much easier for web developers to access HTML page elements such as forms, frames, and images.

JavaScript quickly became popular for customizing controls and adding animation and by the late 1990s the vast majority of scripts simply swapped one image for another in response to user-generated mouse events. More recently, following the arrival of AJAX, JavaScript has become a central technology for implementing web-based applications such as our very own GMail. JavaScript programs have grown from a few lines to several hundred kilobytes of source code. While JavaScript is very efficient in doing the things it was designed to do, performance has become a limiting factor to further development of web-based JavaScript applications. V8 is a new JavaScript engine specifically designed for fast execution of large JavaScript applications. There are three key areas to V8's performance: Back to top Fast Property Access point.x. Chrome Developer Tools for Speed. Google Chrome Command Line Switches & Arguments.

Chromium - Google Code.