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#Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights.

#Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. #Content #Marketing Highlights. Why branded content will revitalize marketing. Marketers across the board are adapting to an environment where traditional print publications and distribution channels are dying out. Digital marketing might as well encompass all of marketing in today's social media rich and mobile consumer world.

In an age when a single Twitter account or blog can hold sway over a multi-million dollar marketing or advertising campaign, traditional marketers need to adapt to the digital landscape or face trouble down the road. In light of advances in digital marketing, branded content has emerged as a viable option for increasing brand notoriety and attracting prospects.

Whereas search engine optimization was once a very effective means to garner attention and new business, subsequent revisions to Google's page rank algorithms as well as the widespread use of SEO has made it less effective. Marketing for the discerning user A true two-way street New model for new media New opportunity for valuable journalistic talent. #Content #Marketing Highlights. Expand Into New Digital Markets With A Semantic Microsite Strategy. #Content #Marketing Highlights. Why you're not ready for content marketing. If you look back at marketing trends of 2012, content marketing would definitely top that list, and for good reason. When used correctly, content marketing can be a powerful tool to engage customers and generate revenue through thoughtful and compelling content. Many companies plan to expand their content marketing efforts in 2013.

This signifies a tremendous opportunity for marketers to supplement their existing expertise with content creation, curation, and amplification. But this opportunity also poses a great challenge: It requires skills that most simply don't have. In the last five or ten years, the marketing industry has seen an influx of agencies specializing in search and social, much like we're now seeing with the emergence of specialist content marketing companies. So why is content marketing so challenging for traditional marketers? And what about media-focused agencies? Developing these skills won't be easy. Gilad de Vries is senior vice president of strategy at Outbrain. B2B Content Marketing: Adoption Surging, but Objectives Are Shifting.

Content marketing continues to be an integral strategy for B2B companies; however, objectives for content strategies are shifting toward thought leadership and educating the market, according to a survey from Curata. Nearly 9 in 10 surveyed B2B marketing professionals (87%) say they use content marketing to achieve business goals, up from the 82% who said so in 2011, the survey found. Other top channels in marketing strategies in 2012 are SEO (67%) and event marketing (60%), according to the study.

Meanwhile, the use of traditional marketing tactics such as print/TV/radio advertising continues to decrease, down 6 percentage points from 32% in 2011 to 26% in 2012. Below, additional findings from Curata's second annual B2B Marketing Survey. Content Marketing Objectives Though engaging customers (81%) is still the top objective for most content marketing strategies, thought leadership and educating the market are becoming bigger priorities: Overall Marketing Goals Content Curation. The state of content marketing in the UK [infographic]

Econsultancy recently released its first Content Marketing Survey Report, sponsored by Outbrain, based on a survey of more than 1,300 marketers. We found that this presented some very interesting insights into the current market within the UK. Most notably, that while 90% believe content marketing will become more important over the next 12 months, only 38% of companies have a content marketing strategy in place! This means that 62% of businesses are missing huge marketing opportunities. According to the survey results, the main objectives from content marketing campaigns were to: Increase engagement: 52%, Increasing traffic to site: 42%Raising brand awareness: 35% Increased sales: 33%Improved SEO: 31% As I commented in the report “the fact that SEO is only fifth on the list is great to see - you shouldn't be doing content marketing with SEO as the primary goal, links and organic traffic should be a by-product of great content”.

The state of content marketing in the UK [infographic] Econsultancy recently released its first Content Marketing Survey Report, sponsored by Outbrain, based on a survey of more than 1,300 marketers. We found that this presented some very interesting insights into the current market within the UK. Most notably, that while 90% believe content marketing will become more important over the next 12 months, only 38% of companies have a content marketing strategy in place! This means that 62% of businesses are missing huge marketing opportunities. According to the survey results, the main objectives from content marketing campaigns were to: Increase engagement: 52%, Increasing traffic to site: 42%Raising brand awareness: 35% Increased sales: 33%Improved SEO: 31% As I commented in the report “the fact that SEO is only fifth on the list is great to see - you shouldn't be doing content marketing with SEO as the primary goal, links and organic traffic should be a by-product of great content”.

The level playing field has turned into a content arms race. Have I ever told you how much I love Gini Dietrich? For me, she is such an amazing role model for dong it right on the social web. And if you’re one of the five people on earth not already following her Spin Sucks blog, go do that now. Gini is a smart and savvy friend and we don’t always see eye to eye, which makes her an even better friend. Last week she penned a post about how Facebook seems to be unfairly squeezing money from us by forcing us to use paid promoted posts to reach people who are already following us. It’s a good point of course, but I fell off Gini’s wagon at this point: The awesome thing about the web and social media, in particular, is it levels the playing field.

You see, I have been thinking just the opposite about our social media world. No longer. Today YouTube is mainstream entertainment fueled by slick corporate video content. The content arms race To succeed on the social web today you better bring your A Game and a bucket of money. Five great examples of B2B content marketing. Content marketing is more than the latest buzz word. Done brilliantly it can be a powerful and versatile tool that will engage, educate, influence and importantly win you new business.

With pay-per-click ads on Google eating more of your budget perhaps it's time to rethink and invest in content marketing. Here I have selected some of my favourite B2B examples that can inspire you to rethink your own content marketing strategy. 1. Brought to you by Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward, property specialists in London, this is not exclusively B2B content marketing. But it cleverly covers all areas of its business from financial services, commercial management to residential lettings. The magazine’s high-end sleek look and feel and high-quality content, alongside its blog, has dramatically revitalised the agency’s visibility. 2.

More of a traditional content marketing platform this e-book, written in 2010, is still ahead of its time in its messages. 3. 4. 5. Five great examples of B2B content marketing. Content marketing is more than the latest buzz word. Done brilliantly it can be a powerful and versatile tool that will engage, educate, influence and importantly win you new business.

With pay-per-click ads on Google eating more of your budget perhaps it's time to rethink and invest in content marketing. Here I have selected some of my favourite B2B examples that can inspire you to rethink your own content marketing strategy. 1. Brought to you by Kinleigh Folkard & Hayward, property specialists in London, this is not exclusively B2B content marketing. But it cleverly covers all areas of its business from financial services, commercial management to residential lettings. The magazine’s high-end sleek look and feel and high-quality content, alongside its blog, has dramatically revitalised the agency’s visibility. 2. More of a traditional content marketing platform this e-book, written in 2010, is still ahead of its time in its messages. 3. 4. 5. How I Got a Link from the Wall Street Journal.

Want to know how to get a link from the Wall Street Journal? No ... I'm not talking about dropping some dopey, no-followed article comment or some black-hat trickery - those schemes don't count for anything and will probably land you in the Google SEO jail. I'm talking about landing a real, legitimate editorial link from one of the most trusted and highest authority websites on the planet – it's an SEO's (or any marketer's) dream come true!!

Sounds impossible? It's not! In my content marketing case study today, I’ll describe in detail exactly how my team and I recently did just that! But first - this post reads best with the mission impossible theme song playing in the background, so, cue the Mission Impossible music! 1. Every great content marketing operation starts with an objective. Real, editorial links from the WSJ. Your Mission, should you choose to accept, is to acquire an editorial link from the Wall St. 2. Planning our Content Marketing Operation... 3. 4. 5. So there you have it. Medical practice increases revenue, conversions through content strategy. About a year ago, I introduced you to Lisa Reath, who is the business/marketing manager for a nearby medical clinic. Lisa faces an extraordinary marketing challenge — engage customers with a medical practice, which of course is surrounded by patient privacy issues. To make things even more difficult, the practice specializes in cosmetic surgery — not a subject people usually want to discuss in a public sort of way.

Add in a recession and some intense competition, and you have yourself one massive marketing mountain to climb. Unless, of course, you possess the business savvy of Ms. Reath. A few years ago, Lisa took my social media marketing class and just caught fire with new ideas. Since I first wrote about Lisa a few years ago, she has continued to make exceptional progress and I wanted to report on her results. eBook “I think our most successful marketing effort is a 33-page Girlfriend’s Guide to Breast Augmentation,” she said. What’s cooking Every Tuesday morning Dr. Blogging/video Dr. The Guide to Developing a Content Strategy for "Boring" Industries. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz.

There have been multiple articles that have discussed the value and opportunities that content marketing brings to SEO - from organically building external links and ranking for more long tail keywords, to establishing a community and building brand awareness. As the SEO industry slowly moves away from manual linkbuilding and adapts a more long-term and forward-thinking approach (whether it be forced as a result of recent aggressive Google algorithm updates or because as an industry, we're starting to seek a sustainable methodology to establish authority), the challenge is in figuring out how to set up a proper framework that would help our community develop a content strategy for all websites. Image courtesy of SEOmoz Image courtesy of Distilled Step 1: Asking the Right Questions (Learning About the Industry) How do tire shoppers use the Internet?

Why traditional media should be afraid of Twitter. As we’ve mentioned a number of times, Twitter has been gradually tip-toeing further and further into the media business for some time now. It has already become a real-time newswire for many, a source of breaking news and commentary on live events, and now — with the launch of curated “hashtag pages” like the one it launched late last week for a NASCAR event — it is showing signs of becoming a full-fledged editorial operation. It may not be hiring investigative reporters, but the areas of overlap between what it does and what media companies do is growing, and so is its attractiveness to the advertisers that media entities desperately need to hang onto.

The NASCAR page may not seem like anything to be concerned about, since it appears to be just a typical grouping of tweets collected by hashtag. Twitter is curating information, just as media companies do Twitter revolutionized journalism once before, and news organizations responded with the social media editor. Content Curation Can Inform, Engage Customers. June 4, 2012 Both consumers and marketers are faced with an ever more fractured media landscape in which informative and engaging content can be hard to find. But enterprising marketers are taking the reins and curating their own content in the hopes of providing the material that their customers are searching for. These days, almost all marketers are finding, filtering and sharing content, according to content curation services provider Curata.

In a March 2012 poll of more than 400 US marketers and agencies that sold to business-to-business and business-to-consumer companies, Curata found that 95% had curated content in some way over the past six months by sharing a link, blog post or other content type with a potential customer. The survey also found that 85% of respondents viewed the main objective of content creation as establishing thought leadership. Building a brand’s visibility and buzz was a close second, at 80%. Previous Article. Content Marketing Week. Google Changes Are Great for Content Marketers. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles I know a number of people are really sweating over the new changes that Google has in store. There are many articles talking about Google getting tough with over-optimized websites. For me, I would rather focus on the positive. First of all, if you loaded your site with keywords in the background and performed black-hat seo techniques, you should be scared.

If you want a little more information, check out this news piece on the story. If you were like me, and focused more on the content on your site, then I applaud you and I want to give you some more advice. ZMOT – Zero Moment of Truth – – This concept was introduced by Google in June 2011. This quote by Kim Kadlec sums up ZMOT and how we as marketers should embrace this new era of technology and constant change. Source: ZMOT eBook Page 37, June 2011 I invite you toheck out this video from a company who has implemented ZMOT Principles. Picture via agius. Journalisten sind die besseren Marketer - Content Marketing. Nichts fasziniert und beschäftigt Menschen so sehr wie gut erzählte, vor allem aber wahre Geschichten. Der geübte Erzähler, dem man den Wahrheitsgehalt seiner Geschichte glaubt, kann sich nicht nur der ungeteilten und anhaltenden Aufmerksamkeit seines Publikums, sondern darüber hinaus stürmischer ‘viraler’ Verbreitung nach dem Ende seines Vortrags sicher sein.

Perfektes Content Marketing eben. Seitdem nun Social Media die Beziehungen zwischen Marken und Menschen grundlegend verändert, wird der ‘Story-Teller’ im Marketing zu einem immer wichtigeren Akteur. Und ich kenne nur eine Berufsgruppe, die dieser Herausforderung ohne weiteres gewachsen ist: Journalisten. Warum Journalisten die besseren (Content) Marketer sind? Journalisten haben ein Gespür für gute Geschichten. Unternehmen brauchen (mehr) Journalismus im Marketing Der Journalist ist prädestiniert für erfolgreiches Content Marketing. Weiterführende Links: Digital Marketing World - MAR2012 : Marketing Conferences. The 6 Lifelong Laws of Content Marketing for Agencies | Blogging and Content Creation. The Content Marketing Explosion [Infographic] What Do You Know? Examining the Big 4 Online Answer Sites | Blogging and Content Creation. Why Google+ is an Inevitable Part of Your Content Marketing Strategy.

The 10 Commandments of Social Media Content Marketing. Outbrain - Related Link Widgets. How a Portfolio Approach Can Help You Develop Better B2B Content. Yahoo! Deutschland. Anti-newsletter strategy nurtures $1.5 million in leads in 4 months at Citrix.

The Best Online Tools for Content Curation. Content Marketing: Content Curation als Strategie – Online Marketing. Digital Marketing Resources For CMOs (Chief Marketing Officer) Today. Content Curation als Marketinginstrument · evoloopcom. Content Marketing: Content Curation als Strategie – Online Marketing.