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What You Need to Know About the Fraudulent Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Dis. 12 Little Known Laws of Karma. By Raven E. Aurlineus, et al.. What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning. A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. 1. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” 2. Life doesn’t just happen. 3. You can’t change something if you refuse to accept it.If what we see is an enemy, or someone with a character trait that we find to benegative, then we ourselves are not focused on a higher level of existence. 4. 5.

Whenever there is something wrong in my life, there is something wrong in me.We mirror what surrounds us, and what surrounds us mirrors us; this is a Universal Truth.We must take responsibility for what is in our life. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. History repeats itself until we learn the lessons that we need to change our path.

Www.powerthoughtsmeditationclub. Meditation can be used as a means to observe; observe the sensations within our bodies and the thoughts that enter our minds. It is a method of taking a look at the internal activity, and watching the ‘traffic’ of thinking that occurs there. It allows us to be the temporary canvas onto which our thoughts and sensations are painted. Meditation can also be seen as a means of providing a ‘playground’ in which thoughts and sensations can be supervised while they ‘play’. Picture a typical day in the life of me: Wake up, get ready and plan for work, plan the travel, worry about time, spend time working, planning and thinking in order to earning a living, plan the journey home, maybe do an activity, worry about bills, plan a meal and hit the sack.

All in all, a pretty mentally busy day – poor old mind! When we observe our thoughts, we may come to realise that these processes, and their associated thoughts, are not our true essence and do not define us. An analogy: Let’s put it this way: - Lao Tzu. Awebic. Weesp é um município dos Países Baixos e abriga um asilo bastante incomum. Na verdade, o nome asilo não cabe para o lugar que mais se parece com uma vila. Hogeweyk é o nome da vila projetada especialmente para o cuidado de idosos com demência — especialmente demências degenerativas como o Alzheimer.

Fonte: O lugar é realmente fantástico e já foi comparado com o filme “O Show de Truman“, porque por lá estão médicos, efermeiros e especialistas trabalhando para cuidar dos 152 residentes. Os residentes do Hogeweyk precisam de menos medicamentos Essa foi a primeira grande vantagem do lugar que me chamou atenção. Segundo o site Psychology Today, os residentes da vila são mais ativos que os residentes de asilos convencionais e também demandam menos remédios para controlar suas condições médicas. A vila foi criada com 23 casas especialmente projetadas para pessoas da terceira idade que sofrem de demência. Por lá tem supermercado, restaurante, bar e cinema. Segundo The Atlantic: The Lie We Live. Character Resources - Let It Ripple. When we starting making our first film on character two years ago, called The Science of Character, we talked to countless researchers and educators, and searched across the web and found all sorts of wonderful resources, but we couldn't find one place that aggregated all the ideas around character from different perspectives.

So, we decided to start to build one. This catalogue of over 1,600 articles, lessons plans, tools, research, books, films, apps, websites, and games to dive deeper into all the different character strengths and approaches to character development is just the beginning of this journey. We hope you will send ideas to us for each section so that we can grow this together. We are also seeking partners and funds to make this Character Resource Hub as current and beautiful as it can be. To thinking deeply about who we are and how we want to be! Click here or the image above to enter the hub. Handmade water tower designed to collect water in rural areas | Bamboo.

Brazil: 36 Cities to Protest World Cup on Saturday. In a billion dollar Potemkian operation that will fatten the pockets of private contractors with public money of working people, the Brazilian government, host to FIFA’s World Cup, continues to expel its defenseless poor - employing incredible police violence at gunpoint, from the sight of the incoming tourists and football fans. Support the people in Brazil who are resisting the world cup with your voice: Take part in the tweetstorm on 1/23/14 at 3pm cst, 7 pm brst to raise awareness about the protests coming on 1/25/14: Curta Operation World Cup e participe do EVENTO TWITTAÇO GLOBAL dia 23 para divulgar o ATO NACIONAL do dia 25/JAN. 20,000 people are expected to protest just in Sao Paulo, overall protests will take place in 36 cities in Brazil this Saturday.

There is a good reason for them: 170,000 people are to be evicted from their homes and communities so that the mega constructions for the World Cup can be erected. “Cup for the rich. Evictions for the poor.” ~Naian Meneghetti. Conheça sete alimentos que podem renascer a partir de si mesmos. Uma das propriedades mais incríveis da natureza é a sua capacidade de recomeçar. Se o processo de germinação das sementes já chama a atenção, a possibilidade de se gerar uma nova planta a partir de uma parte de outra pré-existente é ainda mais fascinante, não é mesmo? Isso, entretanto, não é uma regra; apenas alguns vegetais são capazes de perpetuar sua espécie dessa forma e hoje você irá conhecer alguns deles.

Você vai se surpreender ao descobrir que muitos deles estão presentes dentro da sua geladeira. Veja como cultivar algumas verduras, legumes e até frutas sem precisar das suas sementes, apenas de uma dose (maior ou menor) de paciência: 1. Nível: facílimo Tempo até ficar pronto para consumo: cinco dias Como fazer? 2. Nível: fácil Tempo até ficar pronto para consumo: 15 dias Como fazer? 3. Nível: fácil Tempo até ficar pronto para consumo: 20 dias Como fazer? 4. Nível: fácil Tempo até ficar pronto para consumo: 15 dias Como fazer? 5. 6. 7. 10 Reasons Why EarthShips Are F!#%ing Awesome. Earthships are 100% sustainable homes that are both cheap to build and awesome to live in. They offer amenities like no other sustainable building style you have come across.

For the reasons that follow, I believe Earthships can actually change the world. See for yourself! 1) Sustainable does not mean primitive When people hear about sustainable, off-the-grid living, they usually picture primitive homes divorced from the comforts of the 21st century. 2) Free Food Each Earthship is outfitted with one or two greenhouses that grow crops year-round, no matter the climate. 3) Brilliant Water Recycling Even the most arid of climates can provide enough water for daily use through only a rain-harvesting system. 4) Warmth & Shelter The most brilliant piece of engineering in the Earthship is their ability to sustain comfortable temperatures year round.

The large greenhouse windows at the front of the house always face south to allow the sun to heat up the thermal mass throughout the daytime. 5) Energy. RT. Wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CE-5_Diplomatic_Training__copy.pdf. Fix The World Project | A new business paradigm.

Home Quantum Energy Generator. Please note: The video you have just seen is a short compilation of existing inventions to demonstrate that people have already built these types of machines and they do indeed work! Our prototype is not yet built and that is the reason for this campaign. Once we have a working model we have an investor who will fund the mass manufacturing of the Quantum Energy Generator. We are asking for $7610.00 (see budget below) to build the prototype which will take 5 weeks. About the Inventor I am a career Electronics Engineer, who has been designing electronic controls for electric motors for 26+ years.

I have recently resigned from the position I've held for 26 years with an internationally known motor manufacturer because I am confident in my ability to bring this technology to people and communities that need it. About the Invention The words 'quantum field' sound mysterious, but this is just another way to say 'smaller than atoms.' - Convenient and clean! Prototype - Estimated Budget. Guided meditation: Weekly Liberation Meditation with Goddess Vortex (Cobra) Portal 2012: MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Support Groups.