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European Institutions and Agencies

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Agencies and decentralised bodies (36)

Interinstitutional Bodies (3) More Links. Consultative bodies (2) Financial Bodies (4) Court of Auditors. Court of Justice of the EU. Since the establishment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in 1952, its mission has been to ensure that "the law is observed" "in the interpretation and application" of the Treaties.

Court of Justice of the EU

As part of that mission, the Court of Justice of the European Union: reviews the legality of the acts of the institutions of the European Union, ensures that the Member States comply with obligations under the Treaties, and. European Parliament (EP)

Political Groups in the European Parliament

Plan of the Hemicycle. For plenary sittings, the 766 Members of the European Parliament meet in the Chambers in Strasbourg and Brussels.

Plan of the Hemicycle

How are the seats allocated ? The rules which determine the allocation of seats in each Chamber are laid down by the Conference of Presidents: Members of the European Parliament form groups based on their political affinity, not on their nationality.The Chairs of political groups sit in the first row in the semi-circle opposite the President of the European Parliament.The third row is usually occupied by Bureau members (Vice-Presidents and Quaestors).Within the political groups, the remaining seats are generally allocated in alphabetical order. European Commission (EC)

European Commission - Representations of the European Commission in the Member States. Directorate General of the EU Commission. European Council (Heads of State) Council of the EU (ministers)