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Motorized Faders and the Arduino. As an audio engineer, one fun thing to do is to switch between layers on a digital console as people walk by. Moving faders are a relatively simple concept, but they seem to amaze people. I have to admit, they are pretty cool. But more important than the coolness factor is the amount of flexibility they provide for mixing. To begin my journey into the world of audio-related programming and hardware development, I decided to do a project to help me understand the technology behind moving fader control.

The first part of this project is to make a motorized fader function with the Arduino platform. I'm going to give you step by step instructions to build this part of the project, including the parts I used. Parts Needed: Arduino Uno Motorized Fader Breadboard H-Bridge External 9-10 V DC Power Supply 1 M Resistor 10 k Resistor 10 µF Capacitor Potentiometer Motor Control: The first step in understanding how to control the fader is understanding how to control the motor on the fader. Summary: WORK — AMY CONGDON. Noaraviv. Utiliser un module bluetooth HC-05 avec Arduino. Un fil USB pour communiquer c’est contraignant ! On est limité en distance et on ne peut pas mettre en boîte notre carte, une vraie laisse ! Heureusement, ce ne sont pas les solutions sans fil qui manquent !

Je vous propose dans cette annexe du tutoriel Arduino de découvrir, utiliser et paramétrer un module bluetooth qui coûte une poignée d’euros : le HC-05. Sommaire Le bluetooth et le module HC-05 Afin de bien débuter, voyons d’abord à quoi ressemble le bluetooth et découvrons de quoi est composé le nouveau module que nous allons utiliser. Qu’est ce que le bluetooth ? Le bluetooth est un protocole de communication sans fil. Rentrons un peu dans le détail. Le maître se met en mode "reconnaissable" L’esclave trouve le maître et demande à s’y connecter Le maître accepte la connexion Les périphériques sont alors appairés (ou associés) La communication peut commencer Présentation du module bluetooth HC-05 Brancher le module à l’Arduino Voyons comment brancher tout ça. ). . .

Sommaire ). . DIY Breath Sensor With Arduino (Conductive Knitted Stretch Sensor) This DIY sensor will take the form of a conductive knitted stretch sensor. It will wrap around your chest/stomach, and when your chest/stomach expands and contracts so will the sensor, and consequently the input data that is fed to the Arduino. So keep in mind this isn't a totally accurate way to track every breath, and sometimes the movements of the body can influence the sensor to since it is all about how it stretches. Also, in terms of stability, I've found the range of numbers can jump around quite a bit if the sensor doesn't remain a consistent tightness around the body, but if you are just standing and breathing it is pretty accurate/sensitive at picking up the slight expansion of the chest for each breath.

There are quite a few DIY breath sensors I've found while researching on the internet, but they do not have all the specific information needed to get one made and connected to the Arduino yourself.