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INTERREG projects

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INTERACT Programme sur Twitter : "And the winner of the #interreg slogan contest is... #ecday #interreg25. European Cooperation Day. NSF start conference. The Start Conference was a great success! You can find pictures (by Koos Boertjens) here: NSF Webalbum All stakeholders were invited to visit us in the harbour town of Lauwersoog in the north of the Netherlands on Thursday April 18, 2013. It became an inspiring all-day event. A perfect occasion to get informed about and to contribute to innovation in the wet fish supply chain of the North Sea Region. During the conference stakeholders from all North Sea Fish partners and other interested parties got the opportunity to network and exchange knowledge on the innovative capacity of fish based regional economies and the sustainable transition of fishing. Chairman of the day was Mr Maarten Mens, who worked for the Dutch fish product Board, representing the Dutch fish trade in discussions and negotiations with Governments, NGOs and other organizations.

The programme was as follows: For more information contact: Roos Galjaard. Home. Living with a Changing Coastline. Coastal Communities 2150. 2 Mers Seas Zeeën.