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20 Email Design Best Practices and Resources for Beginners. Even for experience designers, building email newsletters isn't easy. You receive a lovely looking design, and you crack on with the development. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work as it should in every email clients. Styles don't display, images aren't visible, etc. This is where these twenty best practices come in handy. 1: Keep the Design Simple Emails are not like complex website designs; they should be nicely designed, but somewhat basic. The cleaner the design, the easier it will be to code, and the less chance of any abnormalities happening between various browsers and email clients. 2: Use Tables Email clients live in the past, so all emails must be built using tables for layout.

Not Accepted Accepted 3: Have Web Browsers at the Ready Make sure you have as many web browsers as possible available to you. At the very least, use these: Internet Explorer 6Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Mozilla Firefox 3Apple Safari 3Google Chrome 4: Sign Up for all the Major Email Clients No Alt Tags. A Guide to Creating Email Newsletters. Email newsletters are hotter than ever. They’re a great extension to your business’ communication toolkit and offer you and your clients an excellent channel by which you can reach potential and existing customers. In this article, we’ll explore common design patterns of email newsletters and learn which approaches work well, so that you’ll be prepared to create one for yourself and your clients.

We’ve also included a compilation and analysis of different newsletter designs so that you can learn from them as well as tips on what to do and what not to do. If you know of any other tips, please share them with us in the comments area. Which Came First: Chicken or Egg? Before you create and send your email newsletter, you’ll need subscribers. Not Too Many Fields You don’t need a user’s social security number to send them an email!

Seth Godin, in his article Permission Marketing, offers good insight into getting viewers to sign up and follow you: In other words, the viewer wants to listen to you. Guide to CSS support in email clients (2008) Version history 14 November 2017 and the Outlook iOS app added support for CSS background images and some related properties, as well as certain Flexbox and Grid properties. Also added iOS 11 Mail to the guide, with no noticeable differences from iOS 10. 22 September 2017 Microsoft updated the Outlook apps for iOS and Android with more consistent CSS support, including media queries. 13 September 2017 A complete rewrite and redesign of the guide, testing 278 different CSS properties and features across 35 email clients.

To accommodate the huge increase in content, we’ve added search functionality and the ability to link directly to individual the email clients and properties for easy sharing.Discuss this on our blog. 2 May 2014 Removed support for various selector options (E) in Gmail and added support for direction, vertical-align and list-style-type in Outlook ’07/’10/’13. 19 September 2013 30 January 2013 1 February 2012 background-image is now supported in Gmail. 10 December 2010. Home | Email Standards Project. Comment vous assurer que vos emails HTML. Par David Greiner Mince, que de changements en 18 mois ! Dans mon dernier article sur Vitamin, je chantais les louanges des emails construits selon les standards et j'encourageais l’utilisation des CSS dans le design de vos emails. Bien que le marché des navigateurs ait continué à pousser à l’amélioration du support des standards, un acteur principal de l’industrie a malheureusement fait l’inverse.

Avec la sortie, plus tôt cette année, d’Outlook 2007 qui utilise le moteur de rendu de Word au lieu de celui d’Internet Explorer, mes recommandations ne sont plus d'actualité. J’ai donc décidé de revisiter mes suggestions originales et de les ajuster à la nouvelle ligne de conduite. Certaines choses changent, d'autres non Bien que la meilleure façon de coder vos emails ait changé, un certain nombre de principes fondamentaux de la mise en forme d’emails n’ont pas changé d’un poil. Apprendre à aimer les CSS en ligne Ceci dit, pas besoin de jeter le bébé avec l’eau du bain.
