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Swissmiss. Chris Crutchfield | Official Website. Innermost | Quintessentially Global Style. Gift Couture. Click here to enter our cheeseburger paper sweepstakes! Gift Couture is a start-up creative and innovative wrapping paper company that offers high-quality wrapping paper. We produce unique papers that coordinate together into conceptualized themes and sets. This set includes: Two 25” x 21” sheets of steak paper One 25” x 21” sheet of cutting board paper One sheet of white butcher paper Twine One Meat Tray Two Gift Labels This set includes: Two 25" x 21" Sheets of Bun One 25" x 21" Sheet of Hamburger One 25" x 21" Sheet of Cheese One 25" x 21" Sheet of Lettuce One 25" x 21" Sheet of Tomatoes.

Pentagram. HAF by Hafsteinn Juliusson.

Industrial Design