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Clinical mastery in the treatment of ... LymeNet - LymeNet Guide to Lyme Disease. LD is most commonly transmitted by a tick bite (usually painless). The tick vectors include Ixodes scapularis (Deer Tick), Amblyomma americanum (Lone Star Tick) and Ixodes pacificus. Ixodes dammini was thought to be the only species responsible for transmission until it was shown to be the same as Ixodes scapularis in 1993. The Deer and Lone Star ticks can be found in New Jersey. The ticks prefer to live in wooded areas, low growing grassland, seashores and yards. The Deer tick has a 2 year life cycle and must feed 3 times. April through October is considered the "tick season" even though Lyme disease is a year round problem.

Cases of Lyme disease have been reported in virtually every state, although the Northeastern, Great Lakes, and Pacific Northwest areas are particularly endemic. Lyme disease is called the "Great Imitator" because it can mimic many other diseases, which makes diagnosis difficult. Other Possible Symptoms -- No organ is spared: Lyme Disease is treatable. I. A. III. V. American Lyme Disease Foundation. What is Lyme Disease? Where is Lyme Disease Prevalent? U.S. Range Maps and Statistics Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Table of Recommended Antibiotics and dosages How to Prevent Lyme Disease How to Remove a Tick Deer Tick Ecology Tick species that transmit Lyme Disease: Black-legged tick (Deer tick), western black-legged tick What is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of bacterium called a spirochete (pronounced spy-ro-keet) that is carried by deer ticks.

LD manifests itself as a multisystem inflammatory disease that affects the skin in its early, localized stage, and spreads to the joints, nervous system and, to a lesser extent, other organ systems in its later, disseminated stages. Although LD is now the most common arthropod-borne illness in the U.S. Borrelia burgdorferi Generally, if you discover a deer tick attached to your skin that has not yet become engorged, it has not been there long enough to transmit the LD spirochete.

U.S. Alternative Medicine Forums, Blogs & FAQs on Trigger Point and Referred Pain Guide. Ccpccd.pdf (application/pdf Object) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Important It is possible that the main title of the report Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.

Synonyms Akureyri Disease Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Epidemic Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Epidemic Neuromyasthenia Iceland Disease Raphe Nucleus Encephalopathy Royal Free Disease Tapanui Flu ME CFS Disorder Subdivisions None General Discussion Until the late 1980s, myalgic encephalomyelitis was thought to be a distinct, infectious disorder affecting the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems and the muscles. The Fact Sheet for CFS published by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health states that "[T]oday, CFS is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, postviral fatigue syndrome, and chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome. " ME/CFS is not rare. Resources. Canadian Expert Consensus Panel Criteria for ME/CFS. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Panel 1.

Dr. Bruce M. Carruthers, lead author of the consensus document; co-author of the draft of the original version of the ME/CFS clinical definition, diagnostic and treatment protocols document; internal medicine. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. This definition was hosted and coordinated by the National ME/FM Action Network of Canada, led by Lydia Nielson. Fibromyalgia Pictures: Symptoms, Pain, Treatments, Diet, Causes. Fibromyalgia Newsletter Find tips and advances in treatment. Advertisement Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD on September 06, 2011 Sources: 1) Rob Gage/Taxi 2) Image Source 3) 4) Steve Pomberg / WebMD 5) B2M Productions/Riser 6) Alain Daussin/The Image Bank 7) Medical RF/Phototake 8) Denis Felix/Taxi 9) Rob Melnychuk/Photodisc 10) P.

Broze 11) Stephen Wilkes/The Image Bank 12) noa images 13) Peter Cade/Riser 14) Walter B. American College of Rheumatology. This tool does not provide medical advice. THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. . © 2011 WebMD, LLC. WebMD Slideshows View our slideshows to learn more about your health. Fibromyalgia Exercises Slideshow: Stretching and Strength Exercises to Ease Fibromyalgia Pain. (1) Dylan Ellis / Digital Vision / Photolibrary (2) White Packert / Iconica / Getty Images (3) Clover / Amana Images / Photolibrary (4) White Packert / Photonica / Getty Images (5) Radius Images / Photolibrary (6) Brayden Knell / WebMD (7) Brayden Knell / WebMD (8) Patrik Giardino / Iconica / Getty Images (9) Nancy Brown / Photographer’s Choice / Getty Images (10) Michael Kelley / Stone+ / Getty Images (11) Gabriela Medina / Blend Images / ArtLife Images (12) Huntstock / Photodisc / Getty Images (13) ubik / age footstock / ArtLife Images (14) Norbert Schaefer / Flirt Collection / Photolibrary (15) Medio Images / Photodisc / Photolibrary American Academy of Family Physicians: "Fibromyalgia and Exercise.

" THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. . © 2011 WebMD, LLC. Mozilla Firefox. NAMTPT | National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists | Symptom Checker. National Association of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapists. Exercise Prescription) on the Net. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: MYOFASCIAL DIAGNOSES CHART. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: INTRODUCTION TO HEAD PAIN. Many pains do indeed have psychiatric components, but the psychogenic diagnosis is woefully overdone. (Notice how rarely it is applied to knee pain, big toe pain, or shoulder pain.) It is used all too often by the physician, who, when asked for the underlying cause of head pain, cannot bring himself to say “I don’t know.” And there's a lot to know.

Over 20 muscles (primarily of the neck) refer (send) pain to the head. Of particular concern neurologically is strain or compression of the trigeminal nerve and its branches which mediate tissue inflammation, vasodilation and vascular permeability in the brain — all issues in migraine. If irritated muscles and nerves fire off an inflammatory response and vasodilation, is the resulting headache muscular, neurological, or vascular? For patient or physician, the following pain patterns may look surprisingly familiar and will, we hope, point the user in the direction of truly effective treatment. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: MYOFASCIAL OVERVIEW & RESOURCES. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: MYOFASCIAL DIAGNOSES CHART. Neurological problems? A pinched nerve perhaps? We tend to imagine a "pinched nerve" as two bloody ends of bones rubbing together with the hapless nerve caught in between but that is car-wreck Emergency Room trauma.

Far more every-day common are nerves (and veins and arteries) pulled, sheared, squeezed and strangled by tight muscles, fascia, and adhesions, causing bizarre down-stream symptoms and altering the results of standard neurological tests. For example, tight scalene muscles in the neck or the pronator teres muscle of the elbow are the most common causes of the neurological symptoms attributed to the carpal tunnel of the wrist. Constriction of the hiatus in the adductor magnus of the inner thigh can be so effective in strangling nerve and blood supply to the lower leg that all deep tendon reflexes may be lost.

Before you submit to carpal tunnel surgery, be sure the cause is actually the carpal tunnel (rare!) Tingly ring and little fingers are not "carpal tunnel syndrome. " ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING: Neurofeedback Info. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING. ROM testing is essentially "muscle-length" testing (although fascia, tendons, and ligaments can also come into play). The following examples reveal muscle shortening or hypermobility that underlie much pain and dysfunction. Their impact is commonly disregarded in favor of diagnoses based on nerves and organs. Yet our 600-some muscles make up the largest "organ" of the body.

Considering muscles does not dismiss neurological issues. The two are intimately related. Material below is excerpted with commentary from our Range-of-Motion (ROM) Testing charts. Cervical and Masticatory Tests Head pain of muscular origin (including that commonly diagnosed as "sinus" and "migraine") comes primarily from the neck. ROUND EARTH PUBLISHING.