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12 Best & Most Ridiculous Employer Brand & Recruiting Videos HR. Learn more great video recruiting and employer branding tips for employers by clicking here.

12 Best & Most Ridiculous Employer Brand & Recruiting Videos HR

It’s true video is a great way to be able to relate, engage, and tell a story about a company culture and environment going beyond your standard careers page. Job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than postings without video. On average, employer customers receive a 34% greater candidate application rate when they add video to their job postings. Keep in mind the average YouTube viewer spends 15 minutes a day checking out videos. They are a powerful way to relate and resonate with your candidate in a way the written word does not.

Please note, not all of these are suitable for work, but they all tell a story about the type of candiate they are looking to apply for open positions at their organization. 1) Make Work Fun. 2) Personal Insights Resonate with Candidates. 3) Let Your Employees Tell the Story. 4) Target Specific Audiences & Tug the Heartstrings. 5) Funny Goes Viral! 7 Cool Mobile Recruiting Apps. Change is ever-present in today’s world of recruitment.

7 Cool Mobile Recruiting Apps

First, it was the paperless office, then it was Internet jobs boards, and, just as we got used to that, along came social recruitment. And, while many of us are still catching our breath with social media recruitment, along comes the next big transformational event in recruiting: Mobile Recruitment. And, just in case any of you think that Mobile Recruiting it isn’t officially ‘here’, you should be aware that in September last year in San Francisco, there occurred the first annual mobile recruiting conference of its kind, sponsored and attended by all the major players, including the big two of Monster and Careerbuilder. Big players are thinking that mobile is, well… big. Surprisingly, even though mobile recruiting is officially ‘here’ and that nearly 70% of jobseekers would like to use their phone for career related purposes, only 3% of employers have a mobile job app. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

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Tips. Corporate Recruiting is Changing. Salary/cost of Living. Signal. Loading the help center...


<div class="noscript center"> Sorry, Javascript is required for the help center. <br /><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=/app/utils/log_error/et/0/ec/6/callback/">You will automatically be forwarded to your destination in 5 seconds, or click <a href="/app/utils/log_error/et/0/ec/5/callback/">here</a> to continue. </div> Powered By Oracle. Layer 8: IT staff, engineers among top 10 toughest jobs to fill in US. Forty-nine percent of US companies are having a hard time filling what workforce management firm ManpowerGroup calls mission-critical positions within their organizations with IT staff, engineers and "skilled trades" among the toughest spots to fill.

Layer 8: IT staff, engineers among top 10 toughest jobs to fill in US

The group surveyed some 1,300 employers and noted that US companies are struggling to find talent, despite continued high unemployment, over their global counterparts, where 34% of employers worldwide are having difficulty filling positions. In other news: Inside the museum of nonsense According to ManpowerGroup, the most common reasons employers say they are having trouble filling jobs, including lack of available applicants, applicants looking for more pay and lack of experience. In the United States, the top 10 hardest jobs to fill include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. US Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2011. Home.