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Kenyan crowdfunding platform M-Changa launched. M-Changa, a new SMS-based crowdfunding platform, has been launched in Kenya expected to enable “individuals who are fundraising to raise more money, from more people, in a faster, more efficient and more transparent way than ever before”. The developers said they have been in closed testing and have now decided that the platform is ready for use by the public. Kyai Mullei, Founder and CEO of M-Changa said: “We founded M-Changa in January 2012 to create a product that successfully marries two distinct traits of Kenyan society, our culture of fundraising, and the Kenyan people’s comfort when it comes to use of mobile money.” The practice of “Changa”, fundraising, in Kenya has been around for many centuries with individuals and groups raising funds for a variety of expenses, ranging from family-related expenses to uplift community projects. M-Changa hopes to take this traditional form of crowdfunding and automate it using SMS technology.

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