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Week 4: Cell Phones in the Classroom

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Learn2luvcell: A Powerful Multipurpose Mechanism for Learning. Query most secondary school teachers on the subject of cell phones, and you're likely to get an impassioned rant about the device's insidious ability to provoke distraction in the classroom. All that giggly sub rosa texting not only robs students of attentiveness, they say, but also presents an inveterate disciplinary problem. It's why most school districts have strict cell phone policies, and most teachers are grateful for it.

But some forward-looking educators have begun to push the subversive idea that the high tech wizardry of mobile phones can be a powerful multipurpose mechanism for learning. Podcasts, video interviews, polling, quizzes, even homework assignments, can all be accomplished via cell phone to enhance students' learning experience, while the phone can also act as a versatile electronic aid to the teacher. Kolb cites the example of a student studying ecosystems in science class. This could prove a hard sell to teachers who see cells only as a bane to good order. Determining the Effects of Technology on Children.

More schools allowing students to bring smart phones, tablets to the classroom. At a school district outside Chicago, students participated in a French class by using cellphones to call classmates and speak with them in French. And when school starts this fall at Mason High School near Cincinnati, students like Mrudu Datla will pack iPads and iPhones in their backpacks. "(Using technology in everyday life is) not that new to us because we grew up with technology," Datla, a sophomore, said. Although schools have traditionally banned or limited cellphones in the classroom, 73% of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers said their students use phones in the classroom or to complete assignments, according to a Pew Research Center study released in February.

"Teachers are starting to take advantage of the opportunities of cellphones in the classroom," said George Fornero, superintendent of Township High School District 113, located outside Chicago, whose school system has begun allowing its students use cellphones. Contributing: Michael D. Cell Phones in the Classroom: What’s Your Policy? April 15, 2013 By: Sydney Fulbright, PhD in Effective Classroom Management Are we old fuddy-duddies when we ask (demand) students to put away their cell phones in the classroom or clinical areas? Students tell me this is just the way it is now, but I disagree. I teach courses in health sciences. Students practice in the hospitals, interacting with and caring for real patients. Research has indicated that student performance is significantly correlated with cell phone use.

So what is the answer to this new form of passing notes in class? Once the instructor has a clear understanding of the potential positive or negative impact of allowing cell phone use, he or she must clearly state policies in the syllabus. Most universities do not have a campus-wide policy concerning cell phones in the classroom. References: Duncan, D., Hoekstra, A., & Wilcox, B. (2012). Tindell, D. & Bohlander, R. (2011). Do Cell Phones Belong in the Classroom? Mobile devices are ubiquitous in American high schools, and their use is harder to regulate than old-fashioned note passing. But here's why teachers should be paying closer attention. Two U.S. high school students compete in the LG Mobile Worldcup Texting Championship. According to a Pew study, American teenage girls send an average of 100 messages a day. (Reuters) If you were to drop in on most any American high school these days, what would you see? Most schools allow students to have cell phones for safety -- a reaction to the Littleton, Colorado, high school shooting incident of 1999.

At a time when middle-class homes are filled with computers and mobile devices, schools are grappling with the question of how much technology to bring into the classroom. But whatever a school's approach to technology, cell phones seem to be nearly ubiquitous. In some cases, schools have actually embraced cell phones and incorporated them into their teaching. So what's the solution? Cell phones in the classroom - By Liz Kolb. Cellphones in the Classroom: Distraction or Tool? The final version of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) was released last week, setting forth the Obama Administration's plan for improving access to and integration of technologies for teaching and learning. Among the recommendations the Department of Education makes in the NETP is a call for support for "efforts to ensure that all students and educators have 24/7 access to the Internet via devices, including mobile devices, and that states, districts, and schools adopt technologies and policies to enable leveraging the technology that students already have.

" The push for "24/7 access to the Internet" falls under another the auspices of yet another endeavor, the National Broadband Plan. But the call for better access to Internet-ready devices, particularly utilizing tools the students already possess is an interesting one. Because the device that is ubiquitous for American students isn't the desktop computer or the notebook or the netbook or the iPad. Photo by minasi. Cell Phones at School: The Debate of Legitimacy | Christian School Solutions | Articles | BJU Press. <<< Christian School Solutions Articles On at least one school issue, many parents find themselves agreeing with their children rather than their teachers: that is the permissible use of cell phones at school. Many parents and students vigorously support the legitimacy of allowing cell phones in the classroom, but most teachers still oppose the practice.

The truth is that cell phones, with all the technology associated, have become a pervasive element in every aspect of American culture, and it’s an issue schools must address. Proponents on both sides of the issue advance compelling arguments. The Advantages School safety—Many parents adamantly defend cell phones at school for safety purposes. The Disadvantages Distraction—Those who oppose cell phones in the classroom cite the reality that cell phones distract students from their studies. The Solutions Prohibition—Some schools ban cell phone use altogether from the classroom. It seems clear that cell phone technology is here to stay. Dr. Dialing Disaster.pdf. Welcome to the Egan Library proxy server!