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Guichard-mythe-fracture-num.pdf. Europa - Information Society. Can One-to-One Computing Narrow the Digital Divide and the Educational Gap in China? The Case of Beijing Migrant Schools. Summary One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a high profile initiative to narrow the inequality of access to ICT and improve educational performance.

Can One-to-One Computing Narrow the Digital Divide and the Educational Gap in China? The Case of Beijing Migrant Schools

However, there is little empirical evidence on its impacts. In order to assess the effectiveness of OLPC, we conducted a randomized experiment of OLPC with Chinese characteristics involving 300 third-grade students in Beijing migrant schools. Our results show that the program improved student computer skills by 0.33 standard deviations and math scores by 0.17 standard deviations. The program also increased student time spent using educational software and decreased student time spent watching TV. Key words One Laptop Per Child; RCT; Asia; China; Beijing migrant school; computer skills; math test scores. One Laptop per Child. Job Matching Application: About Us. Fracture numérique: cause ou représentation d'inéglités. U.S. College Students’ Internet Use: Race, Gender and Digital Divides - Jones - 2009 - Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

Abstract The goal of this study was to learn about whether race and gender make a difference in Internet use among U.S. college students.

U.S. College Students’ Internet Use: Race, Gender and Digital Divides - Jones - 2009 - Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

A survey of college students at 40 U.S. higher education institutions was conducted, along with observations and interviews at several Midwestern U.S. universities. For comparison to the general U.S. population a nationwide telephone survey was undertaken. The study presents new data on Internet use among male and female college students, as well as trends in use across racial lines. Data on non-White Hispanic college student users of the Internet provides insight into Internet use among a group that appears to be underrepresented in the literature on college students and Internet use. Introduction American college students make frequent use of the Internet in their daily lives. Methodology A research team collected survey data from 29 two- and four-year colleges and universities in the continental United States. Free inclut les appels vers l'outre-mer dans ses offres (MàJ) Existe-t-il une fracture numérique dans l'usage de l'administration en ligne ? De nombreux pays de l’ocde [1][1] Voir le rapport de l’ocde, L’administration électronique :... ont lancé, au début des années 1980, un vaste chantier de modernisation de l’État.

Existe-t-il une fracture numérique dans l'usage de l'administration en ligne ?

Cette modernisation a pris différents aspects comme, par exemple, l’évaluation structurée des politiques publiques et la mise en place de l’administration électronique ou e-administration [2][2] Dans la suite de cet article, on désigne par le terme.... Facilitant la mise à disposition de l’information et les démarches administratives, l’e-administration avait pour enjeu une amélioration du service rendu et une réduction des coûts et des délais. Pourtant, le revers de la médaille était l’existence d’une fracture numérique [3][3] Une abondante littérature a documenté l’existence et... qui sépare ceux qui ont accès aux nouvelles technologies des exclus de cette modernité.

Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Sciences. Inégalités numériques et reconnaissance sociale. Ip1452.pdf. Is The Digital Divide Widening - Waves of Tech Podcast. Jim, Steve, and Dave bring another three topics of discussion the table.

Is The Digital Divide Widening - Waves of Tech Podcast

This week we discuss the digital divide. Is it widening, narrowing, or staying static? We preview a bit of CES 2012 and how you can help with the show. We also touch on the changing landscape of news and sports media, a classic new media verse traditional media. Podcast (video): Play in new window | Download | Embed Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed 1. The Digital Divide – the debate always seems to surface every 3 to 4 months on Waves of Tech.

I (Dave) have always been a major fan of sports. CES 2012 is just over a month away. Support CES 2012 Support Staff $25, $50, $100, Your Choice Finally, Apple looses the iPad trademark in China. JIM’S THOUGHTS The New Digital Divide- This article caught MY attention as it purportedly was addressing my students situations. Really? As carriers, like Verizon, move towards not even offering feature phones, THIS to me becomes the bigger problem. ICTP Digital Divide Simulator. 2012 Digital Divide Statistics. Share this post: As we advance further into the 21st century, our use of technology increases at a nearly exponential rate.

2012 Digital Divide Statistics

Due to the technological explosion, it is also important to take a look at the availability of internet use in the United States and throughout the World as a whole. For many of us, it may be hard to believe that not everyone has access to an internet-ready computer every day. In order to help us out with this vision, Online IT Degree recently published an infographic (posted below) containing statistics in relation to the worldwide internet and digital divide in 2012. After reviewing the infographic it may be more evident that many people within the world have limited or no internet access at all. See Also: 2012 Smartphone Usage Statistics 2012 Digital Divide Infographic Highlights: The Internet is responsible for 21% of economic growth in developed nations.

About Anson Alexander. Chronologie - Internet dans le monde - Dossiers. 1957Dans le contexte de la Guerre froide, le ministère américain de la Défense souhaite trouver une solution au risque de blocage de la transmission des informations, alors centralisée, en cas d'attaque nucléaire sur son sol, par l'emploi d'un réseau tissé.

Chronologie - Internet dans le monde - Dossiers

Il crée ARPA : Advanced Research Projects Agency, qui conduira à la création d'ARPANET, ancêtre d'internet. Août 1968Présentation du réseau à l'armée américaine : le projet ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), proposant une communication décentralisée par paquets, est approuvé. Introduction.