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Ghost town. A ghost town is an abandoned village, town or city, usually one which contains substantial visible remains.

Ghost town

A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed, or due to natural or human-caused disasters such as floods, government actions, uncontrolled lawlessness, war, or nuclear disasters. The Shard Is Fully Operational. Photo: Getty Last night, central London was turned, if only briefly, into a cyberpunk dystopian metropolis--a shade of Blade Runner here, Coruscant there--all to commemorate the opening of the Shard, Renzo Piano's dreadfully atavistic and curiously authoritarian skyscraper.

The Shard Is Fully Operational

Rising 1,016 feet above south London's low-lying urbanscape, the Shard is--lest you forget--Western Europe's tallest skyscraper, officially a "marvel of engineering" and a "quite astonishing piece of architecture"; unofficially, a jarring and unavoidable $2.35 billion blot on the city skyline. Many have noted how the structure was funded nearly entirely by the Qatar Investment Group (see Artinfo's piece on the subject from yesterday), and the tower does indeed carry a sinister aura about it, surely do to its massive cyclopean form as much as its corporate provenance. Add To Collection Save this image to a collection Photo: Ruaridh Connellan/Barcroft Med Photo: Jeff Moore All photos via The Daily Mail. Footage shows African 'ghost town' CITIES. Future Cities. Urbanism. Intel: London to be city of the future. Ciudades para un Futuro más Sostenible. Cities. Urban design.

: : : Ion Paciu - ARCHITECTURE & CITYSCAPE : : : Incomplete Manifesto for Growth. Grandes construcciones del Imperio Romano. City Systems. It would be far easier and would require less energy to build new, efficient cities than to attempt to update and solve the problems of the old ones.

City Systems

The Venus Project proposes a Research City that would use the most sophisticated available resources and construction techniques. Its geometrically elegant and efficient circular arrangement will be surrounded by, and incorporated into the city design, parks and lovely gardens. This city will be designed to operate with the minimum expenditure of energy using the cleanest technology available, which will be in harmony with nature to obtain the highest possible standard of living for everyone.

This system facilitates efficient transportation for city residents, eliminating the need for automobiles. The Venus Project's Circular City arrangement is comprised of the following: All the facilities are available to everyone without cost in a resource based economy. Cybernation is the linking of computers with automated systems. Urbanisme & Architecture.

Cities. Justin Davidson on the New Times Square. For two decades, New Yorkers have viewed Times Square as the city’s heart of brightness, a candy-colored hellhole to be avoided whenever possible.

Justin Davidson on the New Times Square

At either end of a workday or just before curtain time, we may dart and jostle past slow-moving out-of-towners, but the notion of meeting friends for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe or whiling away a weekend afternoon held rapt by the symphony of screens doesn’t cross our minds. Starting next fall, workers with jackhammers will tear apart the bow tie, temporarily making it an even less congenial place to hang out. But one major goal of the $45 million construction project is to persuade New Yorkers to love Times Square—to convince them that it’s not just a backdrop for a million daily snapshots but Manhattan’s most central, and most convivial, gathering spot. Architects and visionaries have often addressed that old ambition with high-energy concepts that gave us the current high-tech razzmatazz.

Urbanism & Urban Spaces. The world's ten creepiest abandoned cities. Lycée Professionnel du batiment de SILLAC. 1.

Lycée Professionnel du batiment de SILLAC

Présentation du site. En vertu de l'article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l'économie numérique, il est précisé aux utilisateurs du site l'identité des différents intervenants dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi : Congress for the New Urbanism. Cidades Criativas – Perspectivas. Lakefront Mansion Price Cut by $25 Million. Knock 25 percent off the listing price of a $100 million home, and you've just saved a prospective buyer a cool $25 million -- a sum that's bound to pique the interest of even the fabulously rich.

Lakefront Mansion Price Cut by $25 Million

Fall of Kluge Estate is Windfall for Trump. Monster, Billionaire Mansions. Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, 26, may have recently shelled out $7 million for a Palo Alto home, but when it comes to billionaire real estate, that purchase is downright thrifty.

Monster, Billionaire Mansions

Many of the world’s richest people spare no expense when it comes to home sweet home, throwing down tens and hundreds of millions of dollars on mega mansions designed to suit every possible fancy. Take industrial billionaire Ira Rennert’s 43,031 square-foot Fair Field estate in Sagaponack, New York. Valued at $200 million according to tax assessments, the sprawling 29 bedroom, 39 bath manse is one of America’s largest single-family homes — and arguably the most expensive. Ultimate Garages. Ciudades para un Futuro más Sostenible. Café de las ciudades. Global cities. PrairieMod. I recently received a copy of a book to review that piqued my interest the moment I opened the shipping box.


Drawing Ideas: A Hand-Drawn Approach for Better Design by Mark Baskinger and William Bardel and published by Watson-Guptill is a sumptuous and informative read from cover-to-cover. More after the jump... Continue reading "Book Review: Drawing Ideas" » Email this • AddThis! Urban Designs. Aquatic Village Proposed by Reusing Abandoned Oil Rigs. With all of the controversy now surrounding off shore oil exploration, we're hoping to see more and more oil rigs become obsolete.

Aquatic Village Proposed by Reusing Abandoned Oil Rigs

But what can be done with these massive structures after they are no longer pumping out fuel? This provocative proposal, which was one of the finalists for the 2011 eVolo Skyscraper competition, takes an old rig and turns it into renewable energy equipped aquatic villages. Metro de Dubai. City 2.0 / ville de demain. Le site des villes et villages Kibouge en France. Urban design. The City as Lab: 21 Metropoles Prepare to Prototype - Cities. Living Labs Global co-founder Sascha Haselmayer addresses the crowd in Rio de Janeiro In a megapolis like Mexico City, any planning initiative that moves citizens from cars to busses will pay off in reductions to traffic and air pollution.

The City as Lab: 21 Metropoles Prepare to Prototype - Cities

A major deterrent to using public transportation in the city? Comfort, according to Dr. Julio Mendoza, director of Mexico City's Institute of Science and Technology. Temporary uses can enliven city neighborhoods. Public Spaces. Build!: open source urbanism. Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: Transform Your Public Spaces Now. A low-cost, high-impact incremental framework for improving your community now “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” (LQC) describes a local development strategy that has produced some of the world’s most successful public spaces — one that is lower risk and lower cost, capitalizing on the creative energy of the community to efficiently generate new uses and revenue for places in transition. It’s a phrase we borrowed from Eric Reynolds at Urban Space Management.

LQC can take many forms, requiring varying degrees of time, money, and effort, and the spectrum of interventions should be seen as an iterative means to build lasting change. We often start with Amenities and Public Art, followed by Event and Intervention Projects, which lead to Light Development strategies for long-term change. PPS is working to support communities to create great destinations through the LQC process. Future Cities. Container Cityâ„¢ Especial Ciudades 2011. The Ruins of Detroit [23 pics] Feb 10, 2011 Parisian photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre took a trip to Detroit to capture the urban decay of a once thriving city. Broadway Malyan. PORT : PORT Architecture + Urbanism.

Paisajes emergentes. Fabrica de Paisaje. Participación y placebo. A diario, miles de llamadas de teléfono solicitan nuestra participación en encuestas de calidad. Cuestionarios impresos o electrónicos se preocupan por nuestro nivel de satisfacción sobre los artículos que gastamos. La publicidad se desvive por ofrecernos productos hechos a nuestra medida y para ello elabora costosas consultas a sus ciudadanos-consumidores. Vivimos en una época en que por primera vez es posible participar global e indirectamente en las decisiones de las grandes compañías. De alguna manera somos los “microaccionistas” de miles de empresas que buscan agradarnos, como lo haría un niño con un adulto del que espera conseguir una golosina, es decir, la compra de sus mercancías. Y sin embargo, ahí se encuentra, simultáneamente, una de las mayores falacias de nuestro tiempo.

La solicitud de participación por tanto no es un regalo aunque se presente envuelto como tal, puesto que cualquiera de los participantes trata de obtener beneficios por medio de ella. Santiago de Molina. Urban Strategies Postgraduate Program.