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Occuppy World

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The #Occupy MOVEMENT. #occupy. #Occupy. London Riots 2011-08. OCCUPY. Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement. The Failure of the Occupy Movement or the Emergence of a Living Systems Organization. I got done chatting with a colleague this morning, who went on a bit of a rant about the failures of the Occupy movement. Their comments were similar to ones I’ve seen in the media – lack of apparent leadership, lack of specific demands. Of course, I’ve also seen several cogent arguments that this is something ‘different,’ and the people are well aware what they’re angry about, and are figuring out how to level the playing field.

(see Wall Street Isn’t Winning – It’s Cheating, by Matt Taibbi; Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? You don’t get it by Douglas Rushkoff, and his followup Occupy Wall Street beta tests a new way of living; the youtube video of Mark Ruffalo, or for some cold hard stats – Here Are Four Charts That Explain What The Protestors Are Angry About or The Shocking, Graphic Data That Shows Exactly What Motivates the Occupy Movement.) I personally am rather inspired by many potentialities in the movement. But, what we DO have in the Occupy movement is a petri dish. –>>>other: Occupy Wall Street Sept 17.

This Is Thriller: What Chilean Students Can Teach the Occupy Movement. Here's a new tactic for Occupy Wall Street protesters to consider: dressing up as zombies for a mass performance of "Thriller". That's what thousands of members of Chile's growing student protest movement did in June, gathering for a Michael Jackson-inspired flash mob outside the home of President Sebastian Pinera. Videos of the performance have gone viral in Chile, with multiple YouTube posts gaining tens of thousands of views each. It's hardly the first time an international Thriller tribute video has hit YouTube; the most notable was created by prison inmates in the Philippines in 2008. But this may be the first example that was linked to a specific protest.

Chilean students, upset over the fees charged by their country's largely privatized school system, are leveraging social media in a unique way, according to Katie Manning, a reporter for a group of online newspapers in Chile called Mi Voz. Social media is extremely popular in Chile, according to the research firm comScore. The Protester - Person of the Year 2011. Once upon a time, when major news events were chronicled strictly by professionals and printed on paper or transmitted through the air by the few for the masses, protesters were prime makers of history.

Back then, when citizen multitudes took to the streets without weapons to declare themselves opposed, it was the very definition of news — vivid, important, often consequential. In the 1960s in America they marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam War; in the '70s, they rose up in Iran and Portugal; in the '80s, they spoke out against nuclear weapons in the U.S. and Europe, against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, against communist tyranny in Tiananmen Square and Eastern Europe.

Protest was the natural continuation of politics by other means. And then came the End of History, summed up by Francis Fukuyama's influential 1989 essay declaring that mankind had arrived at the "end point of ... ideological evolution" in globally triumphant "Western liberalism. " 15 de octubre: Unidos por un #cambioglobal. Democracia real Ya. Servidor Mumble. 15th october: #United we will re-invent the world. Las crónicas del #15O.

Os contamos la jornada del 15O en Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Málaga, Londres, Nueva York, Berlín, Roma, París, Israel, Buenos Aires, México.... y muchos otros lugares. #15O Madrid Sol se vuelve a sentir el centro del Universo Momento de la manifestación en Madrid (Juan Luis Sánchez) Se había extendido . El otoño había recogido al 15M fragmentado y exhausto, incapaz de seguir su propio ritmo de movilizaciones.

El ‘Toma la bolsa’ había inundado de creatividad las redes pero fue una gran apuesta que no consiguió reunir a mucho más de mil personas en la calle. A las cuatro de la tarde, el 15O era decadente. O una mala jugada del pesimismo. La plaza tomada ya era otra vez el centro orgulloso de la indignación, esta vez a escala global. Y nos cruzamos con Carolina, una de las mentes que más ha trabajado por coordinar la convocatoria global. Y lo ves en las caras. Y desde arriba “la ballena” asomaba el lomo zambullida entre un mar de gente.

Se había extendido la euforia. . #15O en Barcelona </b>*} Chomsky: Occupy Wall Street "Has Created Something That Didn’t Really Exist" in U.S. — Solidarity. 15Mbcn tv. Grupos Locales. Toma la plaza. Indignados 15-0: manifestación para pedir un cambio global. Madrid. (Redacción y agencias).- Indignados de más de 80 países de los cinco continentes están llamados a salir este 15 de octubre (15-O) a las calles de las más de 650 ciudades de todo el mundo que han decidido sumarse a la convocatoria que el Movimiento 15-M realizó el pasado 30 de mayo para reclamar, a nivel internacional, "un cambio global" ante la situación económica, política y social actual. Tokio, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Los Ángeles, San Francisco, Montreal, Frankfurt, Sao Paulo, Sydney, Auckland, Kuala Lumpur, París, Roma, Helsinki, Copenhaghe o Bruselas son algunas de las ciudades en las que los indignados protagonizarán manifestaciones.

En España, hasta 60 ciudades se han sumado a la inciativa global, con Barcelona y Madrid a la cabeza. Tanto en la capital catalana como en la española, las marchas han transcurrido de forma ordenada, cívica y reivindicativa. Roma, punto negroNo ha sido así en Italia. Frankfurt es uno de los escenarios del 15-O. Occupy the London Stock Exchange. In Focus - Occupy Wall Street Spreads Worldwide. Occupy movement. Occupy Wall Street. Occupy U.S.A. #Occupy. #occupyoftheday. Occupy Wallstreet. Video 15M. YOSOY132. Audios 15M. 15M. Occupy Wall Street.

Occupy World

15M in Spain. Occuppy Pearlers & Teams.