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SkepTV. The Journal of Conscious Evolution. Els Nous Pobres | No ens fa vergonya explicar que som pobres, perquè aquesta condició, més que definir-nos a nosaltres, els defineix a ells. Litemind. Gavinkeech personal cargo. Phases are cycling through the increase of momentum brought on by interplay sequenced through recognition. exhausting parameters to their stretched states allow the decay values to become discovered. upon discovery, arrival of presence, flows to the environments ground. intensity of emotion, feelings entwined with realisation that the possibilities can arise more probable than initially conditioned, through emergence of understanding what is required, do vectors resonate inputs, to flow freely, in their own accord towards the electromagnetic* (resonance)+ core. state / mode as an interface ( points & flows with vectors ) personas / metaconstructs = state / mode identity / experience filter = timelines dimension / environment = interface process / mechanism = actions knowledge / repository = database timelines ( personas ) are extrapolations (verb)actions ( entanglement ) are amplifications (verb)interface ( metaconstructs ) are communications (verb) hyperphysics x_axis = time’s affinity.

Links. What's Next - Issue 27 - Society & culture. Is 10 billion too many? In the 1980s, when there were two and a half billion fewer people than now, there was an active debate about overpopulation. Thirty years on and our primary concern is climate, not people. The idea that there might be too many of us is sometimes seen as retrograde or even anti-human. Instead of debates about population numbers, we have debates about resources and income distribution. Of course, the idea that humans might be reproducing too quickly is hardly new. The newest pessimist on the block is Stephen Emmott, who has written a book arguing there is a mounting risk of mass famine caused by burgeoning population. Geo-engineering might be a planetary fix for climate change and pollution, but this would do little or nothing to increase the availability of food or water or to offset biodiversity destruction.

In the short term, things could get nasty, especially if climate change adversely impacts food production. Demographic transitions Predictive policing. Critical thinking web. The Data Republic :: Recycling data 2.0 into value. Bradley Voytek. Tempest Blog.