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ClickyKeyboards. Sony MDR-7506 - Thomann Suomi. The laptop desk. Sustainable Communities - Shop. Cornet ED65 - re - WiFi Signal Meter. Payments are completely safe. Didn't like the product or service? You can easily get your money back here. Care about someone? Now you can give them our gift certificate. SOLAR & HYDROGEN ENERGY STORE: SHOP RC CARS, SCIENCE KITS, PHONE CHARGERS, HYDROFIL, MINIPAK - Hydrogen House Project. Off the Grid Country Living DVD by HomesteadingSurvivalism | Homesteading and Survivalism Store. Viktor Frankl | Viktor & I - A Film By Alexander Vesely about Viktor Frankl.

Defying Gravity: The Parallel Universe of T. Townsend Brown by Paul Schatzkin (Paperback) Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro X: Professional Music Production: David Nahmani: 9780321967596: Greek Fir Honey Attiki 455g: Grocery. I went to Greece a few years ago and fell in love with this honey. I ended up bringing 20 cans back with me - that is how good this is! I had tried other pine/fir honeys while in Greece, and they were all good. I chose this one to bring back because it is in a sealed can and I was afraid of leakage with the other honeys. If you've never tasted honey from pine or fir trees, it is unbelievable. The honey is very thick and very dark. Building with Hemp | Seedpress. Building with Hemp 2nd Edition This is the second edition of the inspiring pre-eminent book on the revolutionary system of hemp building.

Updated to include both the origins of the system and the latest developments and projects, it now has over 340 colour photographs and illustrations. With chapters that focus on everything from the materials and how they are produced to the finishes possible, the ‘How To’ section has been expanded and covers all aspects of the utilization of hemp materials for building. Building with Hemp has been an inspiration for architects, builders, community activists, students and teachers around the world and as this construction system is gaining in popularity this edition will be even more important in assisting the uptake of this technology internationally.

Author Steve Allin is an author, teacher and consultant on ecological building. He has enthusiastically pioneered the use of hemp in building in Ireland and internationally for many years. $3 Emergency Solar-Powered Radio Made With an Altoids Tin. Joshua Zimmerman has a great project up on Instructables for turning an Altoids tin into a compact solar radio.

All said, the entire project cost a whole $3. It seems like a project coming at a time when everyone is ultra aware of emergency situations, so it is both a fun and practical weekend tinkering project. It even comes complete with plug-in headphones. Joshua writes, "In honor of all my good friends still over in Japan I've decided to create an Instructable for a $3 Emergency Solar Radio. It's a great thing in case of tsunami, nuclear melt down, or zombie invasion. Plus it's really cute when put into an Altoids tin. " And he's right. With a project time of just under an hour, it's ideal for testing out your DIY skills on a weekend. The full instructions are on Instructables, so you can get the details for putting this together yourself -- the steps don't look daunting, and it's a great learning project.

The AXiS-49 USB music interface. This is a handy velocity sensitive MIDI input device designed to help you make music with your computer. There are various benefits to playing on the Harmonic Table note arrangement, including fast-track learning. The range is 49 notes, but there are two instances of each note giving 98 keys in a very convenient footprint.Now with Selfless Mode (MIDI notes 01‑98 in columns). USB class compliant, your computer will recognize it as a MIDI keyboard and make it accessible to your applications.

It currently only transmits on MIDI Channel One. Operation This is for composing, arranging, and overdubs. Construction The chassis is plastic. Accessories There's no pitch bend wheel There's no MIDI-Out socket … but there are alternatives. Comes with carry case box, note-name stickers, and USB cable. $ <=> £ Prices in our UK Shop may vary due to exchange rates. Tm) : Kilted People Do It BEST! Wytor AG, Wytor acrylic Hyperbel, Wytor copper Hyperbel large, Wytor wood Hyperbel large + small, Rauber copper Hyperbel, Rauber spiral tube, Schauberger funnel. Ayurveda and Marma Therapy: Energy Points in Yogic Healing (9780940985599): Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Subhash Ranade, Dr. Avinash Lele. Welcome to Sex Butter Organic Personal Lubricant. YogaHands - Hand Therapy in Minutes - Fight Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Joint Pain in Fingers.

Borderland Sciences Research Catalog (Powered by CubeCart) You don’t think you can meditate? We can help! | Intentional Chocolate. We have always felt here at Intentional Chocolate that eating chocolate is a zen like experience. You get to enjoy one of life’s pleasures, tasting all the subtle flavors that unlock in your mouth as you roll around the bite on your tongue. So we thought what better than to highlight that experience than with a Chocolate Tasting Meditation. Yes, that is right!

If you can eat chocolate you can mediate. We collaborated with the Rev. And since chocolate comes from the ground, the people who plant it and those who farm it we wanted to pay homage to this by creating a visualization meditation that guides you from your first bite of chocolate into a visualization of the earth, down into the ground and soil of where the cacao was grown, in the hands of the farmers and back to your mouth. Our chocolate tasting meditation CD provides all 4 tracks and an intro explaining even more in depth about the meditation process.

Chocolate Tasting Meditation CD. August Smart Lock. Homepage - Waka Waka Light. PixelSkin Cases for iPhone 5. Harbin Hot Springs - Retreat & Workshop Center. Induction Grow Lights | Induction Grow Lighting | Induction Grow Lamps - iGROW. Two Way Mirror - Semi-transparent see-thru coating on acrylic or glass.

Algamar merilevätuotteet. Algamar, Atlantin luomut levätuotteet! Merilevissä on paljon kivennäisaineita ja niiden valkuaisaine- ja kalkkipitoisuus tarjoavat vaihtoehdon liha- ja maataloustuotteille kasvisruokavaliossa. Kalkki vahvistaa mm.hiuksia ja kynsiä. Käyttömahdollisuudet ovat laajat, merilevää vai käyttää keitoissa, salaateissa, keitettynä yksinään tai vihannesten kera. Paahdettettuna ja hienoksi jauhettuna niitä voi käyttää mausteena ja esim. hienonnettua noria ruokien koristuksena.

Aloittelijalle sopivat miedonmakuiset merilevät kuten arame ja dulce, kombussa ja wakamessa on hieman voimakkaampi maku. Agar agar hiutale 50gMerileväspagetti 100gDulce-punamerilevä 100gWakame merilevä 100gKombu ,merilevä 100gMerilevä- maustesekoitusMerilevä semolinaVilja-levä valmisruokaMerilevä tofu-pate. Superlux HD-668 B - Thomann Suomi. Sex To Spirit | The International Bank of Bob. Tesla Chargers | World's Most Efficient, Effective & Advanced Battery Chargers. - Varausjärjestelmä.

Penn Herb Company On-Line Herb Store -- Shopping Cart. Crystal Light Kit. One of nature’s purest forms of electricity the Bedini Crystal Battery Light. The device consists of Alum, Copper and Magnesium and when properly placed and coupled with the proper electronic circuit will produce a bright LED with an endless supply of electricity. The Bedini Crystal Battery Light has been designed as an educational aid in combining elements to produce an electrical charge, a curiosity of sorts. By just adding water the chemical reaction begins, and the electrified crystals will begin to grow as they produce electricity, which will power the LED light. The Bedini Crystal Battery Light will perform for many years using just water as its only fuel source.

If your crystal dries out it will not damage the lamp and can sit for many years in a dried condition until needed. The Crystal Light contains five basic components which are assembled as shown below. This Bedini Crystal Battery Light is easy to use. Lapka — Personal Environment Monitor. Crystal Water Battery. Chic Chefs Horizontal Ceramic Knives Set (3-Pack) Revolution-Labs. Radiometer double sphere with stand.

Radiometer on a curved wooden stand. 2013 History of Cold Fusion Calendar. Water Calendar 2013 - Sample pages. Water Calendar 2013 – a journey into the Mysteries of Water Water Calendar 2013 – a journey into the Mysteries of Water, is a beautiful (30x24cm) wall calendar, with fascinating images on water, and inspiring texts on alternative water research. Order Water Calendar 2013 and join the journey into the Mysteries of Water. Price: $ 7.55 (approx. £ 5.00 / SEK 50:- / € 6.00) + P&P. Order Water Calendar 2013 You can also order it from (within EU), Adlibris (in Sweden) or Bokus (in Sweden).

Water Calendar 2013 – Sample pages Read excerpts from the texts and view sample images From the backcover“With the mind of a scientist and the heart of a poet, we embark on a journey into the realm of water. A journey that will take us from Viktor Schauberger’s unconventional river restoration to D’Arcy Thompson‘s ink droplets that mimic water-living species (or is it the opposite?) A survey of “out of the box” research on water, written in an inspiring language accessible for the general reader. Frank Znidarsic PE. Refurbished Mac Computers - Refurbished Notebooks & Desktop Computers. Solar Revolution The Movie | Does the Sun Have the Power to Transform Humankind? Sony MDR-7506 - Thomann Verkkokauppa. The Sea of Energy by John E. Moray.

Riihivilla. Guardian Angel Oil Extraction Unit. Hanfhaus Online Shop - Hemp-fashion ✔ - Hempcosmetics ✔ - Hemp-nutrition ✔ - Hemp-rucksacks and. Voltaic Emergency Kit. The most common application for this kit is to charge smartphones via our V15 battery. Some, but not all, Android smartphones will charge directly from the panel via our F3511-MicroUSB adapter. This system will not charge digital cameras that require you to remove the battery for charging. Approximate Charge Time from 3.4-Watt Panel** Voltaic V15 Battery: 11 hours Smartphone via Voltaic battery: 5-7 hours Smartphone direct (when possible): 4-6 hours **For maximum power output, orient the panels towards the sun.

(the Array and Fuse 10W have three of these panels) Dimensions: 210x113x5 mm (8.3x4.4x0.2 in) Mass: 150 g (5.3 oz) Substrate: 3 mm Aluminum/Plastic Cell Type: Monocrystalline Cell Efficiency: 18% Open Circuit Voltage: 7.0 V Peak Voltage*: 6.0 V Peak Current*: 566 mA Peak Power: 3.4 W Connector: 3.5x1.1 mm plug Mount: 4 stainless steel bolts *Panel output is computed based on cell manufacturer's data assuming 0% reduction of cell efficiency after packaging of cell strings.

Help Voltaic Help The Rockaways After Sandy | Voltaic Systems. We were in the Rockaways earlier this week to distribute solar kits. We found residents still do not have power and many are unable to leave their homes. We are starting a Buy One Give One program today for our 3.4 Watt Solar Charger Kit in order to be able to expand the number of people we serve.

Help expand our efforts now. Above photos by Clayton Cubitt, rest by Voltaic. We put together a basic 3.4 watt kit aimed at providing basic lighting and cell phone charging for individuals. It was made up of: - a 3.4 Watt 6V solar panel - an 11 Watt hour (3,000mah) Li Polymer rechargeable battery with a 5V USB output - an extension wire between the panel and the battery with a waterproof connection and a mini USB adapter to connect to the battery - plus a USB light running off the battery - and finally a set of phone adapters and a USB cable for charging cell phones etc. We had put together a higher powered kit with relief centers in mind. The Occupy movement was relatively well organized. All Seven 2011 Convention Videos. Vastra USA. Vastra - Interview with David Wolfe. Home, Vastra, Ayurvedic Wellness Clothing. A new paradigm in wellness, based on Ayurveda.

Vastra represents a new paradigm connecting Clothing and Wellness, based on an ancient science. We're reviving the practice of using natural fibers dyed with medicinal plants and herbs for use as part of a health-promoting lifestyle, rooted in Ayurveda, the 5000 -year old Indian science for health and wellness. To learn more about us, visit or our Facebook page. THE PROJECT (what is needed) Our goal with this project is to make a production run for our Bedsheets, Yoga Mats, Travel Towels and Eye Pillows - all based the concept of dyeing natural and organic fibers with only plants and herbs known for their health promoting qualities. A minimum of $35,000 is required for this effort.

Our production costs go directly to the two non-profit co-operative societies that we represent- one for the dyeing and the other for the weaving(in case of our handloom products)-- details below click here to learn more >> A great tool for relaxation- at your Yoga practice, or by your desk-side 4. 5. Earthships New Solutions Movie.