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Finland / Finnish Mentality

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Finland Has A Shyness Problem. Mauno Kuusisto - Kertokaa Se Hänelle. A commentary of Wiio's laws. Wiio's laws are humoristically formulated serious observations about how human communication usually fails except by accident.

A commentary of Wiio's laws

This document comments on the applicability and consequences of the laws, especially as regards to communication on the Internet. 1 Communication usually fails, except by accident. Finnish original: Viestintä yleensä epäonnistuu, paitsi sattumalta. This is the fundamental one among Wiio's laws; others are corollaries from it, examples of it, or vaguely related notes. It is easy to see the relationship between it and Murphy's law(s) (see also: The Complete Edition of Murphy's Laws) and it easy to see as just a humorously pessimistic expression of feelings caused by some specific failures, strengthened by pessimistic people's tendency to remember failures better than successes. Despite being entertaining, Wiio's laws are valid observations about all human communication.

Perhaps prof. The law is to be interpreted as relating to human communication. Use of symbols. 5 erikoista nähtävyyttä Suomen luonnossa, joiden olemassaolosta et tiennyt. Suomalaisia sananlaskuja – Wikisitaatit. Suuri osa vanhoista suomalaisista sananlaskuista on tehty kalevalaiseen runomittaan.

Suomalaisia sananlaskuja – Wikisitaatit

Ne sananlaskut, jotka ovat olleet alun perin osa pitempiä kalevalamittaisia kertomuksia, esimerkiksi kertomuksen loppupuolella sanottuja opetuksia, on merkitty "kalevalaisesta runoudesta". Väinämöisen kiellot - Väinämöisen sanomiksi väitetyt opettavat sanalaskut A[muokkaa] Aamun virkku, illan torkku, se tapa talon pitää. merkitys: On hyvä herätä varhain aamulla ja mennä aikaisin nukkumaan Aamurusko päivän alku, toivo alku autuuden.Aatteloo mitä aatteloo, ajatukset männöö aina naimisee.Aatto joulusta parasta, iltapuoli pääsiäistä.Aatto on juhlista jaloin.Ahkera tytär kasvattaa laiskaa äitiä.Ei ole hyvä ihmisille.Ahkeruus on onnen äiti, sillä on vara vaivassakin.Ahne on hyvä ottaan mutta käs vapisee, jos antaa tarttis.Ahneella on paskainen loppu.Aidan takana ruohokin on vihreämpää. merkitys: Toisilla tuntuu aina menevän paremmin kuin itsellä merkitys: käytetään (haikeasti) jonkin aikakauden päättyessä E[muokkaa]

Coat of Arms. Pussy Whipped. SATW - Finland Fan by =decors on deviantART. Smalltalk. Finland already thinks it’s bad enough to have Sweden’s child hanging around all the time.


Now he has to put up with the little brat speaking Swedish too! D: The reason why FennoSwede turned into this good looking happy brat is because his mother spoils him rotten. Which is also why Finland doesn’t just stab him: Mommy would not be happy. As mentioned before, Scania and FennoSwede have almost identical flags. And Åland is there to remind you that he speaks Swedish too, so this was inevitable. 19th June 2010. Talk to Me 1. Talking Swedish hurts so bad in his Finnish soul!

Talk to Me 1

And yet, non of the other Nordics speak it better than him. D: As you can see, I’m moving further and further away from the idea that Finland can’t talk at all. Instead I now prefer to think that he just doesn’t want to talk, and when he does, it’s in Finnish (or as here, Swedish). That way achieve two things. 1: Everybody who doesn’t understand Finnish still don’t understand what he says, meaning he might as well be mute. 2: It illustrates that Finnish is significantly different from the other Nordic languages. Someone will probably ask, “Why does she keep switching between talking Swedish and English?”

And just to avoid an awkward situation when you meet a Swede and feels like telling him/her that you love them, Finland is not saying “I love you” but “I love my mistress” Talk to me 2 8th June 2010. Unlucky. Sick Finland. Proud Finland. Dysfunctional Family. Sports in Finland. A Bad Day. The day after. Scandinavia and the World Humon Comics Niels & Gang Manala Next Door Sign In or Create Account Comics Animations Wiki Forums Store Follow Scandinavia and the World: Facebook Twitter Tumblr YouTube / Special Lion Pin / subReddit APrevious NN Start a Next nnNew APrevious ?

The day after

A Next The day after A silly little follow-up to this What Sweden fails to realize is that he is the last person in the world Finland would want to know about this. 3rd May 2010 330 Comments: Awesomeartist 20 days ago #9126559 @CanadaHaz, I feel your pain! Austria-Wuwer- 2 months ago #9104041 @CanadaHaz you too 2 months ago #9099829 and sister Finland saves it all CanadaHaz 2 months ago #9092583 @DanishAmerican123 it is. DanishAmerican123 2 months ago #9092580 @CanadaHaz I had a very nice time talking to you and hope I have the chance to again but now I must sleep bye. If it was Hetalia. Computer technician. Bath Time. Sauna Time.