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Comment localiser un jeu vidéo ? Entretien avec Pauline Burny – Les Chroniques Vidéoludiques. Esteban Grine : Bonjour Pauline, merci beaucoup d’avoir accepté cet entretien.

Comment localiser un jeu vidéo ? Entretien avec Pauline Burny – Les Chroniques Vidéoludiques

Pour commencer simplement, est-ce que tu pourrais te présenter ? Ce que tu fais dans la vie, tes recherches, ton parcours… Pauline Burny : C’est moi qui te remercie d’accorder autant d’intérêt à mon travail ! Je suis une grande passionnée de jeux vidéo, de dessin et de lecture depuis ma plus tendre enfance. De 2013 à 2016, j’ai fait un bachelier en traduction et interprétation à l’Institut Libre Marie Haps en russe/anglais vers le français. Tout de suite après être sortie de l’UCL, j’ai commencé à travailler en tant que traductrice. Après l’université, j’ai fait mes premiers pas dans le monde de la localisation en participant en tant que localisatrice/relectrice/testeur à des projets de développeurs indépendants.

J’aurais vraiment adoré faire de la recherche dans le domaine des jeux vidéo après la publication de mon mémoire, mais l’occasion ne s’est jamais présentée. . – Sur Linkedin : Michelle Deco - Video Game Editor and Writer - Interview With Localizers. – Discussions with people in the Japanese media localization industry – Can you tell us about yourself?

Michelle Deco - Video Game Editor and Writer - Interview With Localizers

Hi! Cassiel Merricat – Game Transcreator – Interviews With Localizers. Localizing the language of gamers - Nimdzi. Yulia’s suggestions for game localization best practices First, the DOs: 1.

Localizing the language of gamers - Nimdzi

Know the market: Familiarize yourself with the markets you plan to target and discuss in advance, the languages you plan to localize. If you don’t have a budget and/or the capacity to do your own research, at least consider the experience of others. Gamasutra authors specify that if a game has such content as rules, dialogues, or anything that is a part of UX, you cannot reach Asian customers unless you support local languages. Nadège Gayon-Debonnet: The daily life of a translator specialized in video game localization. Originally dedicated to geeks, video games came straight from Japan and quickly seduced a large audience and crossed generations.

Nadège Gayon-Debonnet: The daily life of a translator specialized in video game localization

Over time, arcades have been replaced by laptops. This is how the phenomenon of video games has crossed borders and diversified. In fact, if it is possible, at the present time, to play online with your Chinese or Venezuelan neighbor in even grander universes, its firstly thanks to technological developments and on the other hand, to translators.

After being interested in German, Italian, Russian and even Slovak, until University, Nadège Gayon-Debonnet has devoted herself exclusively to English by starting a degree in Languages, Literature and Foreign Cultures at the Blaise Pascal University of Clermont-Ferrand followed by a Master MéLexTra in Lille 3. Accents and Regional Dialects in Manga Translation. A difficult and sometimes controversial aspect of a manga translator's work is deciding how to interpret accents and regional dialects from Japanese to English.

Accents and Regional Dialects in Manga Translation

Professional manga translators and editors from North America chime in on their challenges and best practices. This article was written by Deb Aoki Japanese, like English is a living language that has many colors and expressions, accents and dialects. A street-smart teenager from Osaka may talk differently than an elderly professor from Kyoto. A butler from the Meiji era will express himself very differently than a genderless android from outer space. How does a manga translator capture the nuances of Japanese dialects and interpret them in a way that makes sense for English readers?

The answer? Law10n. Nikolay Bondarenko's Blog - How video game localization works and how much it costs in 2018. Game Localization - English to Dutch - Why adaptive machine translation rules. As many of you know, I’m very sceptical when it comes to machine translation.

Game Localization - English to Dutch - Why adaptive machine translation rules

However, I’ve always been a huge fan of gadgets and software, and if something can be done quicker by automating stuff, I will do so. I'm not a luddite: it's in my very own personal interest to do this, as it can raise my productivity. On the one hand, I don’t believe the lies that are sold to us by marketing managers who often have no idea what their own product is doing, but on the other hand, I’m realistic enough to know that technology does not stand still and that we need to use it whenever it can help us to advance. So even though the results of my experiments with machine translations were very disappointing until now, I had not given up yet and kept on looking. The main issues I encountered were as follows: The huge training time needed to build a neural network (several days), combined with the fact that the network had to be retrained every so many weeks to keep it up-to-date. Be lean, be mean.

Student Speak: Using MT for Game Localization. Giulia Mattoni, an Italian Translation Technology student from DCU talks about her experience using Machine Translation for evaluating player support content localization.

Student Speak: Using MT for Game Localization

Giulia’s fascinating view illustrates why this area needs further research, and how she used KantanMT to evaluate MT and post-editing for this type content. What made you decide to evaluate MT and Post-editing in game localization? During my Master’s in Translation Technology I extensively studied about Machine Translation developments, its potential and its most recent deployments. Among the domains in which MT is applied, Game Localization appeared to be one of the least discussed topics, providing me with ample scope for research. "Eat Your Hamburgers, Apollo": A Survey of Japanese Video Game Localization Methods and Challenges. 8-4 Play's John Ricciardi And Mark MacDonald On Japan And Game Localization. The importance of Video game Localization.