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Daily Routines. Nearly every morning of his life, Mister Rogers has gone swimming, and now, here he is, standing in a locker room, seventy years old and as white as the Easter Bunny, rimed with frost wherever he has hair, gnawed pink in the spots where his dry skin has gone to flaking, slightly wattled at the neck, slightly stooped at the shoulder, slightly sunken in the chest, slightly curvy at the hips, slightly pigeoned at the toes, slightly aswing at the fine bobbing nest of himself... and yet when he speaks, it is in that voice, his voice, the famous one, the unmistakable one, the televised one, the voice dressed in sweater and sneakers, the soft one, the reassuring one, the curious and expository one, the sly voice that sounds adult to the ears of children and childish to the ears of adults, and what he says, in the midst of all his bobbing-nudity, is as understated as it is obvious: "Well, Tom, I guess you've already gotten a deeper glimpse into my daily routine than most people have.

" Posing Professional. Online Magazine and Writers' Network | The Battle Over Comments – Part 2 | Blogging Without A Blog. 24 Things I Do When Launching a New Blog. Launching a new blog is very daunting for some whilst very exciting for others. To me it’s a totally exciting experience and I can’t wait to get started. If you’re the same, it’s important to make sure your enthusiasm doesn’t lead you to launching too early and without having everything setup properly. I relaunched ViperChill a few weeks ago and the site has already received tens of thousands of visitors. This wasn’t by accident or any form of ‘luck’. Instead, I carefully took the time to setup everything necessary for a great launch that would allow me to explode traffic onto the site and turn those visitors into subscribers.

I’m not going to share the usual ‘write what you’re passionate about’ or even give you tips on how to install WordPress — I’m hoping you’ve covered that already. What I am going to share, however, is exactly what steps I take when setting up a new blog (and why) so you can hopefully learn a thing or two to tweak on your current site or for your next launch. About Freelance Writing — Make More Money With Your Freelance Wr. Copywriting Tips for Online Marketing Success From Copyblogger | Does Your Copy Need a Makeover? « i. karumbah creative matters b. Copy. Does yours work for the space you give it?

Does it reach out and grab your readers, not letting go until you’ve got them where you want them? Or does it loaf? A lazy filler of words inside a graphic border, ponderously leading to your contact info? If you don’t optimize the power of your copy, you handicap your most basic business tool. Optimized copy gives customers more than something to read. Simply put, optimized copy has impact. So don’t settle for lazy copy … put yours to these 7 Impact Tests.

Impact Test #1: The Target Test Even the most powerfully written copy won’t hit its mark unless you aim it carefully at your target. Does your copy pass the Target Test? Did you define a specific audience before planning your project and writing the copy? Impact Test #2: The Reading Level Test Most experts agree that the average American adult reads at about the 6th grade level, regardless of the highest grade they completed in school. Does your copy pass the Reading Level Test? Headlines. Inkthinker | Your Favorite Freelance Writing Blog Since 2006 | F. Gary Vaynerchuk. Blogging. Writing. Social Critique. Life. Towards a Theory and P. The over-share, train-wreck writing, what you had for lunch and the madcap antics of your cat. The mundane, in the hands of artists, is wrenching. In the hands of diarists, it is compelling. In the hands of bloggers…well, let’s just say the barrier to entry is low. That is what we say, right? We turn up our noses at wildly personal blogs: Dooce, Penelope Trunk, The Pioneer Woman.

Wildly popular and profitable blogs. And so…the “over-share” which is not intimacy (agreed). Was Anais Nin a train wreck? Maybe. Her art was her life. She lived and wrote her life. I’m a trainwreck writer and proud mistress of the over-share. I call this toggling. Toggling, to me, in this way, is the day-to-dayness of survival justaposed against my existential angst: that inner voice who just won’t shut up. Toggling makes me less dictatorial about shoulds and oughts and ought nots. Toggling doesn’t require leveling.

Toggling isn’t just about blogging. About the author. Creative communication Writing Roads, professional copywriting f.