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Dons Solidaires. Cinq outils pour surfer solidaire. Et si le simple fait de naviguer sur internet vous permettait de donner à des organisations caritatives... le tout sans débourser un centime ? C'est ce que proposent de plus en plus de services en ligne. En envoyant un e-mail ou en achetant des chaussures, la plupart de vos actions en ligne peuvent désormais se transformer en actes charitables.

Voici cinq outils qui vous permettent, au quotidien, de surfer solidaire. Rechercher de l'info avec Benelab.


La publicité solidaire du Web. CITGO® Fueling Good │ Charitable Giving Program. 1 kilo de ayuda. Charity Navigator - America's Largest Charity Evaluator. Is Asian charity different than Western charity? United Nations Development Programme. Do Celebrities Really Help Online Causes? The Stars of Social Good Series is supported by CITGO and the Fueling Good Campaign, helping to change the world through contributions to local charities.

Do Celebrities Really Help Online Causes?

Justin Bieber wants you to build a school, Bono wants you to help Africa, Ed Helms wants you to stop Malaria, the San Francisco Giants are supporting LGBT youths, Stephen Colbert wants you to help students in need. More than ever, celebrities are pairing up with social good campaigns as a way to, presumably, help shine a light on some worthy causes.

No doubt they do — Lady Gaga's partnership with the Robin Hood Foundation brought millions more people (and potentially dollars) to help New York's homeless and impoverished. But do celebrities really help those organizations in the long run? Does Lady Gaga's one-off concert partnership help Robin Hood five years from now? Epargne Solidaire. MicroDON - Collecter des fonds pour financer votre association. European Venture Philanthropy Association. Dev'assos cabinet conseil fundraising.