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Node.js. An example: Webserver This simple web server written in Node responds with "Hello World" for every request.


To run the server, put the code into a file example.js and execute it with the node program from the command line: % node example.js Server running at. How To Node - NodeJS. MVC with Node.js - Which modules? - Boldr. Visionmedia/express - GitHub. Express - node web framework. Senchalabs/connect - GitHub. Twitter AMQP WebSocket Example (no polling) - There's no place like. HTML5 is here!

Twitter AMQP WebSocket Example (no polling) - There's no place like

Urray! I was tired of hearing about one of the new innovation in HTML5: the WebSocket API. After reading the excelent blog post about WebSockets and Ruby by Ilya Grigorik I got inspired by this experiment which is a simple example of a twitter-to-browser usage of websockets.