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Unfollow. Six outils Analytics pour suivre son activité sur Twitter - Journal du Net Solutions. Message automatique nouveaux followers. Ne plus suivre ceux qui ne twittent pas assez souvent. Ne plus suivre les utilisateurs qui ne vous suivent pas!

Your Twitter Karma. HOW TO: Spring Clean Your Twitter Account. It's no secret that we love Twitter. It's a fantastic social media tool, a window on the world that can keep you updated on the big things, such as global news and events, the little things, like where your buddies are headed on a Friday night, and just about anything in between. However, once you're following more than a dozen or so people, the service can get a little busy.

In the spirit of our recent spring cleaning guides, which also offer advice on how to organize your Facebook account and sort out your iPhone, we're bringing you some top tips to tidy up your Twitter stream. So whether you want to cut the dead wood, give your Twitter account a spruce up for the spring, filter out unwanted noise, or just get a little bit more organized, read on for a quick guide, complete with free online resources to help. And do let us know any tips you have in the comments below. Weed Out Inactive Users Find Out Who is Following Whom Filter Out the Noise Set Up Your Twitter Lists.