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Sonoluminescence - Cavitation - NanoGeometry & The Future of Technology (See Vid Description) Introduction. ALL ABOUT 2012. 13-Baktun Cycle Wave Harmonic of History : A splendid colour version of Arguelles' diagram of the 260 Katuns of the Great Cycle, combined with all events of History (since records began). 13 PIK The Mayan Perspective on 2012 13 Year Countdown to 2012 : Aluna Joy Yaxk'in gives astrological predictions for each of the 20 years of the last katun of the Great Cycle : A message from our future selves. Is it a spoof, or genuine Coming Transformation site? 2012 Unlimited : An Australian site covering Earth changes, Mayan Calendar, frequency rise, UFOs, dimensional shift, etc. 2012, Comet Lee and the Birth of Our New Neighbour : Howard Middleton Jones says there is a new planet forming near the sun which will be part of a planetary alignment in 2012.

Howard's alternative site and here 21 December 2012 The Mayan Calendar End-Date : “Information Made Easy for the Everyday Earthling to Understand” Alignment 2012: John Major Jenkins on the solstice sun/galactic centre conjunction in 2012. PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf. Athene's Theory of Everything.


David Icke - How to change our Reality. Positive Attitude Developed by Vivek. David Icke: How To Free Your Mind. David Icke on "The Law of Attraction" Holographic Universe (Part 1 of 5 ) its all illusion.