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Envisioning Technology. Scapple Trial. Service Design Portfolio on Behance. 20 Great Visualizations of 2011. As the popularity of visualizations grows, so does their range and quality.

20 Great Visualizations of 2011

Here’s a list of 20 of the best Static Visualizations, Interactive Visualizations, and Information Videos from 2011. (Note: while they are numbered for your convenience, the entries are not ranked.) 20 Websites with Original, Non-Standard Geometry. Geometric shapes are widely used as design and framing elements, navigation components or as a way of drawing users’ attention to certain parts of a website.

20 Websites with Original, Non-Standard Geometry

The most popular geometric elements in web design are obviously rectangles and circles. But what about using other geometric figures? Triangles, trapeziums, rhombuses or even hexagons? In this showcase we will show you that not only simple shapes and figures can be used for designing a website effectively, but as you will find below, a number of sites that use unusual and complex shapes as a way of enhancing their web design. Tapmates Inc.