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8bit. OOP. Ms-dos. Hipster PDA. Although it began as a joke, or perhaps a statement about technology fetishism, the Hipster PDA has rapidly gained popularity with serious users,[4] with hundreds posting pictures of their customized hPDAs on photo sharing sites and exchanging tips on Internet mailing lists.

Hipster PDA

Advocates of the hPDA claim that it is a cheap, lightweight, freeform organizer[5] that doesn't need batteries and is unlikely to be stolen. Enthusiasts also design and share index-card-size printable templates for storing contacts, to-do lists, calendars, notes, project plans, and so on. A Hipster Nano PDA utilizes business cards with blank backs and one that has a calendar on the back. Getting Things Done. Hauptprinzip der Methode ist, dass der Nutzer alle seine anstehenden Tätigkeiten in einem Verwaltungssystem notiert und dadurch den Kopf frei hat für Wichtigeres, nämlich die Erledigung der aktuellen Aufgabe, ohne befürchten zu müssen, andere Aufgaben zu vergessen.

Getting Things Done

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