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A Complete Tutorial on Tree Based Modeling from Scratch (in R & Python) Recent Changes. We've just released Android Studio 0.5.4 with the following improvements: Many bug fixes!! A new Lint API check, which flags usages of attributes that are not available on all versions supported with minSdkVersion. This is just a warning rather than an error, since unlike unavailable method calls, this will not cause a crash. In some cases, such as in the following screenshot, the fact that the attribute is not used in some of the older versions is not a problem: the LinearLayout will simply not show dividers, which in this case is not a big visual problem. However, in other cases the unused attribute may be vital to the operation or look of an application, so it's important to be aware that the attribute is only functional on some of the supported versions.

As always, you can suppress warnings you've manually confirmed are fine: There is a new template for creating a Google Maps Activity (invoke via New > Google > Google Maps Activity) : Installation Problems? Newsletters - Stack Exchange. How Freelancers Are Redefining Success To Be About Value, Not Wealth. In an iconic scene in The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort--the “wolf” played by Leonardo DiCaprio--launches his $40,000 Rolex into a sea of outstretched hands, as eager young stockbrokers lunge for it, nearly clobbering one another in the process. The scene perfectly captures the infamous excesses of Wall Street in the ‘80s.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about how it contrasts with the dramatic shift underway in the American economy. The nation’s 42 million freelancers are rewriting the definition of success--and it has nothing to do with gold watches, but everything to do with time. Independent workers are establishing a new way to work--and in the process, they’re cultivating a new way of life.

Success in 2014 is less about wealth than it is about value--the value of time, community, and well-being. As the availability of the traditional 40-hour-a-week job wanes, so does its appeal. Many freelancers rightly see the standard workweek as a prison of the past. Portfólios de freelancers para projetos criativos. CITS.Amazonas. Online Jobs | Freelance Employment | Outsourcing Services | Programmers | Web Design | Freelancers. IT Consulting, Consulting Group, Consultant Business. Don Woodlock. Como Criar Gráficos Profissionais em Excel. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 4 to 47 are not shown in this preview. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 51 to 63 are not shown in this preview. Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online. Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. Analista de Simulação - VAGAS.

Scrum Alliance - Transforming the World of Work. UniSoma - Decisions Technology | Supply Chain Planning | Advanced Planning and Scheduling. Interview Tips. Quick search. An inside look at jobs & companies. Comoto. INdT Reviews. Planejamento da rede de transmissão em telecomunicações : o problema do enfeixamento.

Resumo: O setor de telecomunicações tem apresentado altos índices de crescimento, motivando o aparecimento de novas tecnologias. Na área da transmissão aparece a tecnologia SDH (Hierarquia Digital Síncrona), substituindo a PDH (Hierarquia Digital Plesiócrona), que passou a oferecer uma série de melhorias quanto à gerência, retirada/inserção de canais dos agregados e segurança de rede. Esta tecnologia permite a utilização de novas estruturas, os anéis e cadeias, que requerem planejamento criterioso para a sua instalação.

O planejamento da rede de telecomunicações é dividido em fases. A que define oconjunto de equipamentos de transmissão, a topologia lógica da rede e o roteamento das demandas entre centros de fios é denominada Enfeixamento. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de otimização para esta fase do planejamento. Abstract: Telecommunications has experimented high growth rates, causing a rapid development of new technologies. SearchResult. SearchResult. Labma. If Content Is King, Multiscreen Is The Queen, Says New Google Study. New research out from Google, working with market analysts Ipsos and Sterling Brands, puts some hard numbers behind the often-noticed trend of how people in the U.S. are using a combination of phones, tablets, computer and TVs to consume digital content.

While each of these has a significant place in our consumption today, their real power lies in how they are used together — in combination, 90% of all of our media consumption, or 4.4 hours per day, is happening across all four (which doesn’t leave much room for paper-based books and publications; or for radio). This not only has implications for how content is designed, but also for how companies like Google will continue to hedge their bets across all four screens. But, while smartphones may have the shortest sessions be used the least overall, they are the most-used when it comes to on-boarding to a digital experience — or sequential device usage, as Google calls it.

So what are the implications for a company like Google?

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