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Alimentation & Santé

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Leveraging Agriculture for Improving Nutrition and Health

Local Food Ecosystem. Food Trucks. Industries Alimentaires. Alimentation et santé / Denis Corpet - CNRS. Poids politique des choix alimentaires. Conservation en bocaux. Salades rapides. Agriculture à vocation Santé. Jamie Oliver's TED Prize wish: Teach every child about food. - Health, Naturally! LA SOBRIÉTÉ ALIMENTAIRE ALLONGE LA VIE ET COMBAT LE CANCER - {sciences²}

Schema C. elegans Inserm Mettre le petit ver Caenorhabditis elegans au régime strict permet d'allonger de 40% son espérance de vie et diminue son risque de cancer.


Nutrient Economy

Santé / Nutrition. Michael Pollan - US : Alimentation & santé. Micronutrients. The Teachers. Experts Docu FoodMatters. Pyruvate imbalance mediates metabolic reprogramming and mimics lifespan extension by dietary restriction in Caenorhabditis elegans - Mouchiroud - 2010 - Aging Cell. Salt/Sel. Fast Food World: The Global Food Chain. The Ecology of Food. Santé. Mark Bittman - Chroniques NYT. ‪David Servan-Schreiber : l'alimentation qui protège du cancer‬‏ Guérir du cancer ou s'en protéger. Conférence du Pr Belpomme "Alimentation et Santé" Pr. Dominique Belpomme INTERVENTION - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Dan Barber's foie gras parable. Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish. Blue Hill Farm. Executive Chef and Co-Owner Dan Barber is the co-owner and executive chef of Blue Hill and Blue Hill at Stone Barns, and the author of the forthcoming book, The Third Plate (May 2014, The Penguin Press).

Blue Hill Farm

His opinions on food and agricultural policy have appeared in the New York Times, along with many other publications. Appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, Dan continues the work that he began as a member of Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture's board of directors: to blur the line between the dining experience and the educational, bringing the principles of good farming directly to the table.

Taste3 Conference: Dan Barber.

Dean Ornish - Preventive Medicine Research Institute

Docu - alert dans nos assiettes. Une nouvelle pyramide alimentaire qui fait ses preuves. 25 novembre 2002 - En scrutant le régime alimentaire de 100 000 hommes et femmes, des chercheurs de l'École de santé publique de Harvard sont parvenus à des conclusions très intéressantes pointant vers la nécessité de « reconstruire » la pyramide alimentaire américaine afin d'y inclure les dernières connaissances en nutrition.

Une nouvelle pyramide alimentaire qui fait ses preuves

Ainsi, les personnes dont le régime alimentaire se rapproche le plus de cette nouvelle pyramide sont moins susceptibles de développer une maladie chronique ou cardiaque que ceux dont l'alimentation respecte les recommandations actuellement en vigueur aux États-Unis. Ces résultats ne sont pas sans remettre également en question le Guide alimentaire canadien (datant de 1990 et en cours de révision) puisque les recommandations qu'on y retrouve sont sensiblement les mêmes que celles de la pyramide américaine. Une mise à jour semblait donc nécessaire. HealthyEatingPyramid-HighRes.jpg (2718×3491) Treating Eating Disorders and Paying for It. Child Nutrition Bill Clears Congress. Lobbied for the bill as a way to combat obesity and hunger.

Child Nutrition Bill Clears Congress

About half of the $4.5 billion cost is financed by a cut in food stamps starting in several years. Mrs. Obama said she was thrilled by passage of what she described as a groundbreaking piece of legislation. By a vote of 264 to 157, the House on Thursday passed the bill, which was approved in the Senate by unanimous consent in August. It goes now to , who intends to sign it. On the final roll call, 247 Democrats and 17 Republicans voted for the bill. Some liberal House Democrats and advocates for the poor railed against the bill in September, saying it was wrong to pay for the expansion of child nutrition programs by cutting money for food stamps, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Democrats put aside their disagreements on Thursday, after concluding that it was better to take what they could get than to gamble on their chances in the next Congress when Republicans will control the House.

Mr. But Margo G. Nutrition and the School Lunch Line. When a school lunch is nutritious and tasty, it’s one of the best health bargains around.

Nutrition and the School Lunch Line

Lunches provided through the National School Lunch Program, which is subsidized by the federal government, cost parents about $1.25 to $2, typically less than it would cost to make the meal at home. For lower-income families, the bill is less, or even free. P.S. 29 students are lucky; their school participates in Wellness in the Schools, a nonprofit program that places culinary school graduates in New York City public schools to create appealing meals from wholesome ingredients. Across the country, many other school districts are beginning to make healthy food a priority by starting school gardens, using local produce and involving parents in the meal planning. Still, at many schools, lunches are neither tasty nor nutritious. School lunches must meet a minimum calorie limit set by the government, but it’s up to individual schools to decide how the are apportioned. The Web's Best Infographics. Comparison Shopping. America's good food fight - Our holiday table got quite tense.

America's good food fight -

We are a mixed family — Jewish, Christian, Republican, Democrat –— but the tension wasn't from differences over religion or politics. It was about food. At one end of the table sat my husband's nephew, who runs a food bank. How do you eat well? Share your ‘food rules’ Last year I published Food Rules, a short book offering 64 rules for eating well.

How do you eat well? Share your ‘food rules’

Food Rules struck a chord with many people, who found that it helped them navigate what has become a treacherous food environment, whether in the supermarket or restaurant. Many of the rules were submitted by readers, and since publication I have received a number of excellent new ones. So I’ve decided to publish an expanded edition, with additional rules and also illustrations, which the painter Maira Kalman has agreed to create. The premise of Food Rules is that culture has much to teach us about how to choose, prepare, and eat food and that this wisdom is worth collecting and preserving before it disappears. In recent years, we’ve deferred to the voices of science and industry when it comes to eating, yet often their advice has served us poorly, or has merely confirmed the wisdom of our grandmothers after the fact.