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The Hundred-Year Language. April 2003 (This essay is derived from a keynote talk at PyCon 2003.) It's hard to predict what life will be like in a hundred years. There are only a few things we can say with certainty. We know that everyone will drive flying cars, that zoning laws will be relaxed to allow buildings hundreds of stories tall, that it will be dark most of the time, and that women will all be trained in the martial arts.

Here I want to zoom in on one detail of this picture. What kind of programming language will they use to write the software controlling those flying cars? This is worth thinking about not so much because we'll actually get to use these languages as because, if we're lucky, we'll use languages on the path from this point to that. I think that, like species, languages will form evolutionary trees, with dead-ends branching off all over. I predict a similar fate for Java. This is just a guess. At any given time, you're probably happiest on the main branches of an evolutionary tree.


Constructed. Elvish. Pharo by Example. - 長い英単語. 子供が英語で最も長い語として言うことば,あるいは「すばらしい」の意味 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious [2004-11-24-4]Wikipedia - スーパーカリフラジリステックエクスピアリドゥーシャス 珪性肺塵症 (45文字) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisWikipedia - ニューモノウルトラマイクロスコーピックシリコヴォルケーノコニオシス ウェイルズ北部の村名 LlanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochWikipedia - ランヴァイル・プルグウィンギル・ゴゲリフウィルンドロブル・ランティシリオゴゴゴホ 無価値と見なすこと FloccinaucinihilipilificationWikipedia - フロクシノーシナイヒリピリフィケイション 教会への国家的援助撤廃に対する偽りの反対.antidisestablishmentarianism (28文字)からの派生語 Pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism 胆嚢と肝臓管または腸の間に連絡チャンネルを作るための外科手術 (39文字) Hepaticocholangiocholecystenter- ostomies 人体の構造を表すために,トーマス・ラブ・ピーコック(1785〜1866)が 自作の風刺詩「ヘッドロング・ホール」(1816)の中で使用した造語 (51文字) Asseocarnisanguineoviscericartilagi- nonervomedullary バース (イングランド,エイボン州の温泉都市) の鉱泉水を表すために エドワード・ストロザ博士(1675〜1737)が作った造語 (52文字) Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoalumi- nosocupreovitriolic 劇作家アリストファネス (BC448〜380頃) の作品中に出てくる170字のギリシャ語の英訳.

鳥,神託,聖書,幽霊,水晶占い,影,大気の様子,誕生日の星座, タバコモザイク病ウイルス Dahlemense Strainの科学名 (1185文字) デオキシリボ核酸(DNA)の科学名は20万7000字 Reference.


Tour. Hello World We start our whirlwind tour of Fantom's features, with the quintessential hello world: class HelloWorld { static Void main() { echo("hello world") } } Minor differences from Java or C# include: all type names are capitalized including Void (Fantom doesn't have primitives nor primitive keywords). Class and method protection scope default to public. Fantom sports the echo method for writing to the console or you can use Env.cur.out. Statements can be terminated with a newline (you can use a semicolon too) You can declare Str[] args or access them from Env.args Literals Fantom supports the same primitive literals as Java or C#, plus some that are typically found in higher level scripting languages: Expressions Fantom reuses most the same expression syntax as Java and C#: Most operators are actually just syntax sugar for a method call. 3 + 4 => Strings Strings support interpolation which allows you to embed expressions via the "$" character: Statements Fields Methods Constructors.

The Mozart Programming System. GREY/GRAY - color? difference? CoffeeScript. Piet (programming language) History[edit] Early implementations of INTERCAL were tied to the IBM System/360 and an unidentified Atari computer (probably the Atari 2600) and have not survived. For many years INTERCAL was represented only by paper copies of the INTERCAL manual. The language's revival in 1990 as an implementation in C under Unix stimulated a wave of interest in the intentional design of esoteric computer languages. In 1992, Wouter van Oortmerssen created FALSE, a small stack-oriented programming language, with syntax designed to make the code inherently obfuscated, confusing, and unreadable.

Esolangs were named for Chris Pressey's page Esoteric Topics in Computer Programming[3] Esoteric programming terms[edit] Turing tarpit[edit] Turning tarpit[edit] Stateful encoding[edit] A method of encoding programs, such that each substring of the encoding is an instruction to both: Locate the next instruction in a list, andApply it to transform the current program state. Here is an example based on reMorse or THRAT: Concatenative programming language. For example, a sequence of operations in an applicative language like the following: y = foo(x) z = bar(y) w = baz(z) written in a concatenative language as a sequence of functions, without parameters:[3] foo bar baz The combination of a compositional semantics with a syntax that mirrors such a semantics makes concatenative languages highly amenable to algebraic manipulation of programs;[4] although it may be difficult to write mathematical expressions directly in them.[5] Concatenative languages can be implemented in an efficient way with a stack machine, and are a common strategy to program virtual machines. [5] Much of the original work on concatenative language theory was carried out by Manfred von Thun.

Properties[edit] The properties of concatenative languages are the result of their compositional syntax and semantics: Implementations[edit] Most concatenative languages are dynamically typed. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Interlingua-English. Alan0.08. Grammar of solresol.