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About Hackers & Hacks. Hacking. Wiz Techie - Pinoy Tech Blog - Philippines Technology Blog - Vimperator. I2P Anonymous Network - I2P - Vimperator. How to Cheat at Application Security - Vimperator. Developers need to know a lot in order to build secure applications.

How to Cheat at Application Security - Vimperator

Some of this is good software engineering and defensive design and programming – using (safe) APIs properly, carefully checking for errors and exceptions, adding diagnostics and logging, and never trusting anything from outside of your code (including data and other people’s code). But there are also lots of technical details about security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in different architectures and platforms and technology-specific risks that you have to understand and that you have to make sure that you deal with properly. Even appsec specialists have trouble keeping up with all of it. Hakipedia - Hakipedia - Vimperator.