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Keivox. Sensor-data-collection-library - A simple library for logging sensor data to a file. We recently added indoor features to Google Maps on Android.

sensor-data-collection-library - A simple library for logging sensor data to a file.

To determine a user’s location when they are indoors, we use a process similar to that of My Location for outdoor spaces but fine tuned for indoors. This process included working with business owners to collect publicly broadcast location information around their building, such as WiFi signal strength, GPS, and cell tower information. This project contains code that was used to collect sensor data and wifi signal strengths for these indoor locations. In the spirit of transparency, we've posted the code here so that anyone can review it. Some highlights: Sensors used: In, the method "getSensorList()" shows the phone sensors that we log, if equipped: the gyroscope, the accelerometer, the compass, and the raw magnetic sensor. No SSID text logging: In TextFileSensorLog.logWifiScan(), you'll see that the ScanResult.SSID field is not referenced in the data string that is logged to the file. Recent Changes. We've just released Android Studio 0.5.4 with the following improvements: Many bug fixes!!

Recent Changes

A new Lint API check, which flags usages of attributes that are not available on all versions supported with minSdkVersion. This is just a warning rather than an error, since unlike unavailable method calls, this will not cause a crash. In some cases, such as in the following screenshot, the fact that the attribute is not used in some of the older versions is not a problem: the LinearLayout will simply not show dividers, which in this case is not a big visual problem. However, in other cases the unused attribute may be vital to the operation or look of an application, so it's important to be aware that the attribute is only functional on some of the supported versions. NOTE: Android Studio 0.5.4 now requires Tools 22.6.2 to be installed, so open the SDK Manager to install it (Tools > Android > SDK Manager..., or use the toolbar action).

Installation Problems? Android UI Design Kit for Google Slides 1.0 [Free Template] After I published Android UI Design Kit for Microsoft Powerpoint last month, I have gotten some really nice feedback about the usefulness of the design kit in a tool that they are easily familiar with, and some of them show interest in a Google Slides version.

Android UI Design Kit for Google Slides 1.0 [Free Template]

I had a look into Google Slides back then, and I was decided not to do a Slides version due to the lack of Roboto font available in Google Slides (perhaps I missed it back then, but I didn’t see any other extra fonts). After the Google I/O, I discovered that it is possible to use Roboto font (only Regular and Condensed, but they are already sufficient for mock up purpose) in Google Slides, therefore I went ahead and try to convert my PPTX Design Kit to Google Slides, thinking that it will be just a 10 minutes work – turn out it wasn’t that trivial.

Apart from missing UI elements and text misalignment which can be easily fixed, the main issue is about the output. What’s inside? Download Like this: Like Loading... Design.