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Mobile Web

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Quirco [Quirco - iPhone Software, Games & Utilities] iPhone web design: a guide | Tutorial | .net magazine. Write Web Pages for the iPhone - Tips to Design Web Pages that Work on Small Screen Mobile Devices. Chances are you’ve seen how the iPhone can flip and expand web pages. It can show you the entire web page at a glance or zoom in to make the text you’re interested in readable. In one sense, since the iPhone uses Safari, web designers shouldn’t have to do anything special to create a web page that will work on the iPhone.

But do you really want your page to just work? Most designers want their pages to shine! When you build a web page you need to think about who’s going to view it and how they are going to view it. Some of the best sites take into account what type of device the page is being viewed on, including the resolution, color options, and available functions.

They don’t just rely on the device to figure it out. General Guidelines for Building a Site for Mobile Devices Test on as many devices as you can The first thing you should do is view your site on an iPhone and as many different mobile devices or emulators as you can. Web Page Layout for SmartPhones The images must be small. Mobile Web Design | Best Mobile Websites | Mobile Website Gallery.


Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0. [THEMATIC_CONSISTENCY] Ensure that content provided by accessing a URI yields a thematically coherent experience when accessed from different devices. [CAPABILITIES] Exploit device capabilities to provide an enhanced user experience. [DEFICIENCIES] Take reasonable steps to work around deficient implementations. [TESTING] Carry out testing on actual devices as well as emulators. [URIS] Keep the URIs of site entry points short. [NAVBAR] Provide only minimal navigation at the top of the page.

[BALANCE] Take into account the trade-off between having too many links on a page and asking the user to follow too many links to reach what they are looking for. [NAVIGATION] Provide consistent navigation mechanisms. Starting.