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Bullshit! Conservative twits. What the FUCK!?!? 6 Reasons the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam. Photo Credit: November 22, 2012 | Like this article?

6 Reasons the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Stripped to essentials, the fiscal cliff is a device constructed to force a rollback of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, as the price of avoiding tax increases and disruptive cuts in federal civilian programs and in the military. In the nature of stampedes arguments become confused; panic flows from fear, when multiple forces – economic and political in this instance – all appear to push the same way.

Republican twits

What Legacy Does Felipe Calderón Leave in Mexico? Inter-American Dialogue's Latin America Advisor By: Andrés Rozental Felipe Calderón's achievements, such as they are, will be quickly overshadowed by his legacy of a failed strategy in the fight against organized crime and the drug cartels, an unfulfilled pledge to create sufficient jobs to absorb new entrants into the market and a lackluster economic growth record.

What Legacy Does Felipe Calderón Leave in Mexico?

Although the country's economy has performed reasonably well when compared to other middle-income nations and most industrialized ones, much of this has been due to a tenuous recovery in the United States, a competitive currency and a resumption of consumer spending on durable goods that Mexico produces for the U.S. market. There is little evidence that the underlying structure of Mexico's economy has improved sufficiently to weather another downturn in the United States or indeed a continuing global recession. Political geniuses, political fools - Roger Simon. Warren Buffett Calls Out Grover Norquist On Taxes. Warren Buffett is out with a NYT op-ed calling for a minimum tax on the rich.

Warren Buffett Calls Out Grover Norquist On Taxes

We'll get to his specifics in a second, but the part that will get the most attention is his intro, where he calls out Grover Norquist, the powerful activist who gets Republicans to "pledge" that they'll never raise taxes. Buffett writes that what Norquist doesn't get is that no businessman would ever turn down a good, profitable deal due to tax rates. NDAA Vote This Week: Tell Senate to end indefinite detention. NDAA Vote THIS WEEK: Tell Senate to end indefinite detention UPDATE: The timeline on this is tortuous, but the vote could still take place TODAY.

NDAA Vote This Week: Tell Senate to end indefinite detention

We have adjusted the email text that will be sent to the Senate (by those who take action Thursday afternoon and beyond) to specifically reflect support for Senator Udall's amendment, out of concern that other amendments that purport to address indefinite detention are too narrow. ORIGINAL: The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act allows the United States military to detain civilians indefinitely and without charge or trial -- even American citizens. Exclusive: NBC News Vetoed Chelsea Clinton Marriage Equality Ads. Grover Norquist Portrayed As The Wizard Of Oz. Santa Claus Faces the Democratic Firing Squad? On the day after the election, Rush Limbaugh blamed Santa Claus for Mitt Romney's defeat.

Santa Claus Faces the Democratic Firing Squad?

"Conservativism did not lose last night," Limbaugh said. "It's just very difficult to beat Santa Claus. It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus," Limbaugh concluded. The night before, on Election Night, as the tide was turning against Romney, fellow Republican kingpin Bill O'Reilly said, "50% of the voting public wants stuff. Even Mitt Romney himself blamed "Santa Claus" Obama. These men, especially Rush Limbaugh, perfectly summed up the message the Republican establishment took from their election defeat, which is, "It is practically impossible to beat Santa Claus.

" Fueled by War on Drugs, Mexican Death Toll Could Exceed 120,000 As Calderon Ends Six-Year Reign. Rachel Maddow Show. Rachel Maddow On How The Republican Party Hasn’t Learned One Damned Thing. Wrangling in Egypt as Constitution Deadline Looms. Tara Todras-Whitehill for The New York Times Egyptians ran from tear gas fired by the police during protests in downtown Cairo on Wednesday.

Wrangling in Egypt as Constitution Deadline Looms

On Tuesday, hundreds of thousands of people protested. President Mohamed Morsi set off a political crisis a week ago when he sought to declare his own decree above judicial scrutiny until the constitution was complete, saying he needed to protect the assembly from dissolution by judges appointed by the former president, Hosni Mubarak. Nobel peace laureates call for Israel military boycott over Gaza assault. A group of Nobel peace prize-winners, prominent artists and activists have issued a call for an international military boycott of Israel following its assault on the Gaza Strip this month.

Nobel peace laureates call for Israel military boycott over Gaza assault

The letter also denounces the US, EU and several developing countries for what it describes as their "complicity" through weapons sales and other military support in the attack that killed 160 Palestinians, many of them civilians, including about 35 children. The 52 signatories include the Nobel peace laureates Mairead Maguire and Adolfo Pérez Esquivel; the film directors Mike Leigh and Ken Loach; the author Alice Walker; the US academic Noam Chomsky; Roger Waters of Pink Floyd; and Stéphane Hessel, a former French diplomat and Holocaust survivor who was co-author of the universal declaration of human rights.

Stupidity and "custom"

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