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Best Practices for Developing Real-Time Dashboards. Stream Analytics Power BI Dashboard. One of the common use case for Azure Stream Analytics is to analyze high volume streaming data in real time and get the insight in a live dashboard (a dashboard that updates in real time without user having to refresh the browser). Microsoft Power BI is perfect for building live dashboard in no time. Here is an example video to illustrate the scenario. In this article, learn how to use Power BI as an output for your Azure Stream Analytics job. Note- Azure Stream Analytics is Generally Available however at this point, Power BI output is a preview feature of Azure Stream Analytics. Prerequisites Microsoft Azure Account using Org Id (Power BI works with Org ID only. Org ID is your work or business email address e.g.

Create Azure Stream Analytics Job From Azure Portal, click New, Data Services, Stream Analytics, Quick Create. Specifiy the following values, then click Create Stream Analytics job: Job Name - Enter a job name. Specify job input Click the job name. Write Query. Big Data, Small Data, All Data, la nouvelle offre Microsoft - Big Data France. Depuis la mise en ligne de ce blog, nous avons eu l’occasion d’échanger à maintes reprises sur ce que sont les #BigData et discuter de l’intérêt d’exploiter ce déluge de données.

Le 15 avril dernier lors de la conférence Accelerate your insights, notre nouveau PDG Satya Nadella a pu réaffirmer et préciser la stratégie de Microsoft orientée vers la donnée (Si vous avez manqué l’évènement, n’hésitez pas à visionner les webcasts disponibles au niveau de ce lien.) S’il semble aujourd’hui de plus en plus avéré, et au-delà du buzzword, que la vague Big Data constitue un tournant à ne pas manquer pour rester compétitif, il convient néanmoins dans le même temps de ne pas perdre de vue qu’une approche Big Data doit intervenir en complément d’une analyse classique de la donnée.

Avant de parler de Big Data, il est nécessaire de s’intéresser à la donnée quelle que soit sa taille : toute donnée peut créer de la valeur ! ;) La suite Power BI intégrée à Excel est composée de : A One Hour Data Analysts Toolkit: using R and PowerBI with Jennifer Stirrup. Jen Stirrup is a Gigaom industry analyst, an author, SQL Server MVP, a data strategist and practitioner in Business Intelligence, Big Data and Data Visualisation. Jen is joint owner of a boutique consultancy firm that offers strategic advice and implementation in data technologies. With nearly 20 years’ experience in delivering artificial intelligence, business intelligence and data visualisation projects, Jen has focused on delivering business value for organisations of various sizes globally.

Jen is an elected member of the Board of Directors for the Professional Association of SQL Server, holding the seat for Europe and holder of the Virtual Chapters portfolio worldwide. Data Science Labs – Analyze Twitter data with Excel and Power Query | Data Analytics Junkie. A typical Big Data architecture is able to handle structured data and unstructured data. Databases are great to handle large amounts of structured data, which can be queried very efficient and fast. But databases are not an appropriate store for unstructured data like text, xml, logs, etc.

The challenge with unstructured data is, that every row could looks a little bit differently which makes it very hard to handle during ETL and for modeling. Hadoop is a much more flexible store, which allows us to store and query this kind of data more efficiently. So a very efficient and scalable Big Data architecture could look like this: But do we really need every time a Hadoop cluster, when we just work on a subset of our data in order to find trends and pattern in it?

Which car Brand is more popular? The answer is NO. Choose the data source First of all we start Excel (Excel 2013 in my case) and we build a data mash up on the Twitter data. . … and I fill in the folder path in the next window. Summary. Filtering and Custom Maps arrive to Power Map with September update - PowerBI. Today Microsoft announced a new Power Map update that includes two of the most requested features by our users: Filtering and Custom Maps. As usual, all of the new features we incorporate into these monthly updates are based on your feedback to make Power Map a better story telling and data visualization tool. At the same time, we are always looking to make Power Map easier to use and more exciting, taking advantage of all the data visualization and analysis tools available in Excel. Watch this video to see these new features in action: Filtering will allow you to refine your Power Map tours, seeing individual portions of your data set, removing noise and outliers, and comparing how different factors can alter your data.

Custom Maps extends all the existing features of Power Map, so you can tell rich and interactive stories using any map. To find out more about how to use these new features, visit the announcement at the Office Blog. Convert SSRS Charts to Highcharts (Dynamic) Graphs | Thinknook. SSRS is an awesome framework as part of a whole BI solution for report authoring, delivery and interaction. One problem though is that the reports produced through Visual Studio or Report Builder are too static, there is no hover-over effect in SSRS reports, and you cannot do dynamic filtering once the report finished rendering. This posts goes through building a converter that takes the ATOM output of an SSRS chart (1 y-axis Line Graph), and returns a dynamic Highcharts graph the represent the same data points.

This article is a part 1 of 2, in the next article I give a working example of how to inject and display a Highcharts graphs right into an SSRS report. It is important to remember that SQL Server 2012 (project name: Denali) has the ability to generate dynamic charts (delivered through Silverlight) using its latest report authoring framework which is being called PowerView (or project name: Crescent). Options.xAxis.categories.push($(category).text()); var seriesOptions = { data: [] SQL Server Reporting Services Basics: Building SSRS Reports. SQL Server Reporting Services is one of the most popular components of SQL Server, but it has always been surprisingly difficult to get from one place all the basic facts you need to get up and running from scratch, to the point of producing reports.

Here Kathi Kellenberger quickly describes the basics of SSRS before showing how to build quick, simple reports. SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a server-based reporting platform that allows us to create and manage a wide variety of different types of report, and deliver them in a range of formats. We can create basic reports containing tables and graphs, or more complex data visualizations, using charts, maps and sparklines. Our reports can draw their data from SQL Server databases, but also from other relational database such as Oracle, and other types of multi-dimensional or XML-based data sources such as SQL Server Analysis Services, Teradata, or Parallel Data Warehouse. Figure 1 SSRS installation Figure 2 SSRS Development Tools. Oracle Databases with SQL Server Reporting Services.

Internally, SSRS uses the Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) to interact with Oracle databases. Hence, the ODP.NET's restrictions apply to SSRS as well. Unlike SQL Server, Oracle returns resultant rows in a cursor. To use a stored procedure for data retrieval within SSRS, consider the following things: 1.The rows must be returned with an OUT REF CURSOR. 2.Only one OUT REF CURSOR can be returned from a stored procedure. In case of multiple OUT REF CURSORs, SSRS considers only the first one and simply ignores the rest. Note: ADO.NET provides the capability to interact with multiple OUT CURSORs. 3.By default, the data source type is set to OLE DB. Once you've taken care of these things, SSRS generates a dataset that can be used to format a report. To start, create a new reporting services project in Visual Studio. Now, add a report file (.rdl) named "TestOracle.rdl" to the report.

Open the rdl file in the Visual Studio editor. TechEd 2014 : Azure embrasse big data et Internet des objets. Azure Stream Analytics permet d'obtenir des informations en temps réel à partir de données issus de capteurs. (crédit : D.R.) Lors de sa conférence développeurs, Microsoft a annoncé une salve de produits dont Azure Stream Analytics et Event Hubs adaptées pour répondre aux besoins en matière de traitement des données en masse issues notamment des objets connectés.

A la Teched Europe 2014 qui a débuté à Barcelone le 27 octobre et se termine aujourd'hui, Microsoft a poursuivi son offensive pour faire d'Azure la pierre angulaire de sa stratégie cloud et big data. Après avoir annoncé ses solutions Operational Insights, Batch et Automation, la firme de Redmond annonce ainsi une nouvelle salve de produits pour enrichir sa plateforme Azure non seulement pour répondre aux besoins en matière de services big data mais également dans le domaine de l'Internet des objets. Jusqu'à plusieurs millions d'événements récoltés par seconde. Tap into Oracle Databases with SQL Server Reporting Services. The data-retrieval layer of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) supports a variety of data sources, including MS SQL Server, Oracle, ODCB, OLE DB, as well as several custom ones. The product has been optimized for MS SQL Server, so SSRS interacts seamlessly with that data source option. Connecting to other data sources, however, involves some additional subtleties.

This article examines SSRS interaction with Oracle databases. Under the hood, SSRS uses ADO.NET classes. Hence, to display data from the data source onto the report, you need to create a dataset that fetches the data from the data source. The data source contains the information required to connect to the database, including its name and credentials. A dataset, which contains the required query information and parameters, refers to such a data source to connect and retrieve information. Reporting Services, Go Fetch!

Fetching data from an Oracle data source with a select query is not very complicated. Figure 1. Power BI : coup de fouet pour l'offre analytique de Microsoft. Le 10 février 2014, Microsoft annonçait la disponibilité générale de sa solution décisionnelle Power BI, adossée à Office 365 et exploitant la puissance de l’infrastructure cloud Azure – ainsi que ses synergies avec Hadoop – pour le traitement et l’analyse de données. Un an plus tard, l’éditeur donne un nouvel élan à cette offre de business intelligence en mode SaaS (Software as a Service). Il annonce des baisses de prix, une version gratuite, une application iPad et davantage de partenariats pour récolter des données issues de solutions tierces. Le tarif de l’abonnement Power BI Pro est rabaissé de 75 %, à 9,99 dollars par mois.

Les prestations restent identiques : 10 Go de capacité par utilisateur, un rafraîchissement toutes les 60 minutes et un streaming de données d’un million de lignes par heure. La version gratuite n’est accessible qu’en mode preview, avec une adresse e-mail américaine. Autre différence avec Power BI Pro : il n’y aura pas de fonctions de collaboration. Reporting Services Parameters and Oracle - Martyn Bullerwell's blog. Recently a colleague of mine needed to access Oracle to build a report but did not have the rights to create a stored procedure, which would be the obvious method of choice. We therefore need to pass parameters from Reporting Services to Oracle using the "Query Type" of text. To do this in SQL Server it is relatively intuitive. Create a shared Data Source - I have used Adventure Works.

Then add a DataSet: This query will return all records from the Adventure Works 'people' table, showing the following fields; FirstName, MiddleName, LastName and Email Address. If you wanted to restrict this list using a parameter, all you would need to do is add a parameter to the report. In this instance I have added a parameter titled "EndsWith", so we can use a WHERE with any character or string to filter by the last characters of the FirstName.

SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, EmailAddress FROM Person.Contact WHERE (FirstName LIKE @BeginsWith +'%' + @EndsWith) Consuming RESTful Web Services in an SSIS Script Transformation | code and stuff. RESTful (Representational State Transfer) web services such as YQL are tremendously useful tools for building client-side mash-ups, and can be just as useful when building ETL processes. Unfortunately SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) does not provide any native support for consuming RESTful web services. In this post I’ll show you how to create a Script Transformation Task that calls Yahoo’s PlaceFinder web API to validate user supplied postal addresses. Begin by creating the data source you wish to use. In my case I retrieved a list of physical addresses from a SQL Server table. I combined the various address-related columns (address, city, state, etc.) into a single Derived Column called “Raw_Address” which will be sent as input to the PlaceFinder API.

Next place a Script Task on your data flow. When the Script Transformation Editor opens, select the columns you want to participate in the transformation. Here’s how the Input and Outputs panel should look. Like this: Like Loading... 2012 Demo Scripts - 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | Pre-2005 As used in many conference sessions, these sample databases are useful for learning and reproducing the behavior of most demos. Credit is used in many performance-related demos. SalesDB is used in many “online operations” demos. Unzip and restore (possibly, WITH MOVE) to use. 2000 Credit Sample Database (48MB zip/155MB backup/700MB restore)2008 Credit Sample Database (52MB zip/53MB compressed backup/700MB restore)2008 Sales Sample Database (18MB zip/196MB backup/240MB restore)2008 IndexInternals Sample Database (6MB zip/6MB backup/410MB restore) Note: This database was originally created for the Microsoft Press book SQL Server 2008 Internals.

These zip files contain the common corrupt databases that Paul uses for some of the DBCC CHECKDB demos. SQLServerDays 2012 (November 19-20 2012, Schelle, Belgium) Pre-con: New Features in SQL Server 2012 (Bob) Demo Scripts Session: SQL220: Why isn’t SQL Server using your indexes? Tech Head Brothers - Portail d'informations et d'articles techniques sur les technologies Microsoft .NET. Tech Head Brothers - Auteurs.


SSIS. Automated Defragmentation of SQL Indexes - The ADoSI Script - Benefic. Business Intelligence Archives - Benefic. Webcast Power Query et Data Management Gateway | Business Geek. Il y a plus d’un mois maintenant avaient lieu les Journées SQL Server. J’ai eu l’occasion de présenter personnellement 2 sessions : Power BI : intégration de donnéesSelf-Service BI : un retour d’expérience Power BI : intégration de données Dans la track Power BI, cette session était consacrée à l’acquisition des données c’est à dire à Power Query et à la Data Management Gateway.

En 1h, j’ai pu faire des démos de requêtes Power Query, jouer avec le langage M, utiliser la recherche et le partage de requêtes avec le Data Catalog et faire un peu d’architecture hybride en branchant le cloud Power BI avec mes données on-premise. Je ne vais pas refaire la session dans cette article, le mieux est que vous consultiez la vidéo et les slides (il faut être logué) : A votre dispo pour les questions (dans les commentaires).

Self-Service BI : un retour d’expérience Cette session est un peu atypique car pas du tout technique (enfin, un peu quand même ). Like this: J'aime chargement… Dax Patterns. Dax Patterns. Power Query | La BI ça vous gagne! Recherchez les vidéos et les slideshare des sessions 2014 - Page 1 | Microsoft TechDays'14. Le reporting BI dans tous ses états / quel outil pour quel usage. IT Pro Camps. PowerBI. Free SQL Server Tools | SQL Server 2012 content from SQL Server Pro. SCRIPT: Find the row count of all tables and views | Sam Vanga. Decisions: PowerPivot, SSAS Tabular, or SSAS Multidimensional Model in SQL Server 2012 — SQL Chick. E90E50charts - Excel Charts Gallery.

SQL Reporting "How to" - Conditional Color 1/4: The Basics. Report Expressions & Custom Code - Dave does Data. Vidéos des Sessions | Microsoft TechDays'14.