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/Naruto/#621728. Learn to draw Sango from Inuyasha. Japanese Lessons - Ramblings of DarkMirage. Introduction So, one day I was feeling bored and I decided to start a series of Japanese lessons targeted at the anime fans.

Japanese Lessons - Ramblings of DarkMirage

These lessons are not meant to actually teach the language, but rather to give you a better understanding of how Japanese works and the various headaches faced by translators when they work on your favourite shows every week. I intend to keep this updated regularly, so keep checking back. You Know You Watch Too Much Anime When... - Issendais Lair. can speak intelligently in Japanese about spirits, demons, war, death, tournaments, magic, and profoundly soppy love affairs, but the prospect of buying a movie ticket leaves you tongue-tied. ...

You Know You Watch Too Much Anime When... - Issendais Lair

"hai," "baka," and "hentai" come to your lips so easily that sometimes you have difficulty remembering what the English words are. Learn Japanese : AAW. When Anime Fansubs Went WRONG. It'll be too selfish of me not to share it to everyone for a great laugh ;-) This is just SO DAMN WRONG!!!

When Anime Fansubs Went WRONG

Ah my brain!!! I can't get that image out of my head!!! Ok, Cherry Blossom, we get the meaning even without any translation.................... Countdown Anime: TV Series Episode. CoolVibe - Digital Art, Wallpapers, Inspiration.