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Dessert: Schoko-Sahne-Eis mit Karibik-Flair Rezept. LIVING FINE • Rezepte: Frühlingssinfonie in Pastell  • Blue-Curaçao-Eis. Erdbeerbaisers mit Blue-Curaçao-Eis und süßem Pesto Zutaten Eiweiß von 8 Eiern200 g Zucker200 g Puderzucker80 g Speisestärke100 g pürierte Erdbeeren Blue-Curacao-Eis: 8 Eigelbe½ l Sahne½ l Milch150 ml Blue Curaçao200 g ZuckerSaft einer Zitrone Süßes Pesto: 100 g Basilikum60 g Kürbiskerne80 g Zucker50 ml KürbiskernölAlle Zutaten im Mixer pürieren. Zubereitung Erdbeerbaisers:Eiweiß mit dem Rührgerät steif schlagen. Im Ofen bei 120 °C ca. 3 Stunden langsam backen, Ofentür dabei einen Spalt offen lassen. Blue-Curacao-Eis:Zucker und Eigelbe vermischen. Man nennt das „zur Rose aufschlagen“, da man die richtige Konsistenz der Masse erkennt, indem man auf den Film, der sich auf dem herausgenommenen Kochlöffel bildet, pustet.

Die Eismasse jetzt im Eiswasser kalt rühren, eventuell mit etwas Zitronensaft abschmecken und dann in einer Eismaschine gefrieren. Süßes Pesto:Alle Zutaten im Mixer pürieren. Rezepte: Berhard Grubmüller • Tomatissimo, Bielefeld • Fotos: Ydo Sol. Clementine Sherbet Verrines perfect for Christmas Recipe by Madalene Bonvini. I cannot believe its already December and we are heading for Christmas full steam ahead. I get great satisfaction when my colleagues start asking for ideas and hints on how to cope with Christmas Lunch and New Years Eve dinner.

However I am also concerned because I have not thought about Christmas myself. But the sheer excitement of talking food overcomes me and before you know it I have the pen and paper out making drawings of a potential Christmas day starter for Jamie; mailing my Christmas Fool Proof tips to Nicola and talking George through the stages and motions of making a stunning tart tatin for New Years eve…oops have I now given everyone secrets away!? Hope not, I truly hope that everyone will have a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Talking about food is my cheap fix and when I get a great idea like this one popping into my head, I’m on a high for a few days. Like it??? I love it!! Amazing I love the citrus fizzy feeling and taste, truly magical! Clementine Jelly. Lucky Comestible III (2): Decadent Chocolate Pâté. [I thought it would be fun to run a little series over here at DDD: I'll profile one one of my favorite foods, or a food that I've recently discovered and enjoyed, over several days.

For this third entry, I'm focusing on Avocados. The series is presented on an occasional (and entirely arbitrary) basis, before I move on to the next lucky comestible. ] Want to wow your boss? Want to thrill your sweetheart? This pâté will dazzle you, seduce you (but not in the same way as Mark Bittman), soothe you and make you very, very happy.

Last year, when the HH and I went out to our favorite restaurant for our 10-year anniversary, we reached the end of the meal when I found myself suddenly craving chocolate (my, how unusual!). A few moments later, Tony returned with two plates of dessert–the pie for the HH, and a selection of three exquisitely formed chocolate truffles for me. Well, that’s what this pâté reminds me of–the filling in those truffles. Decadent Chocolate Pâté Other posts in this series: How To Make Creamy Ice Cream with Just One Ingredient! Yes, that's right; you heard us. Creamy, soft-serve style ice cream with just one ingredient — and no ice cream maker needed! What is this one magic ingredient that can be whipped into perfectly rich and silky ice cream, with no additional dairy, sweeteners, or ingredients needed whatsoever?

If you guessed BANANA, congratulations! You're right! What? You didn't know that bananas can make some of the best ice cream? "That's the sort of thing you discover," she sighed, "when all your friends are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-allergic, and you're on a sugar-free diet. " It turns out that frozen bananas are good for more than just dipping in chocolate. Some bananas, depending on their ripeness, have a bit of that green aftertaste. Have you ever tried frozen-banana ice cream? Want more detailed instructions and step-by-step photos? → Step-by-Step Instructions for One-Ingredient Ice Cream Now try more flavors... → Magic One-Ingredient Ice Cream 5 Ways: Peanut Butter, Nutella, and More.

Summer Sorbets - Cool, Creamy, Easy. These Summer Sorbets are cool, creamy and surprisingly easy to make! Yesterday I blended up four flavors: Strawberry Banana, Banana Pineapple, Zippy Wild Blueberry and Spicy Mango. And the best part about this post is that you'll learn the basic technique I use - so you can whip up your own sorbet flavor creations!

You could try creamy coconut banana, peach cinnamon, banana lime, raspberry lime, blackberry, banana papaya and more! Bring on the summer heat with these colorful sorbets waiting in your freezer!.. Triple digits. It's going to be a hot one. As they say. ..So this time around, I'm not complaining! And sorbet is really very similar to a smoothie. Sorbet Tip. For this post I really started with some basic flavors. Fruity Summer Sorbets To Make: Add all ingredients to a high speed/high quality blender like a Vitamix. Strawberry Banana1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries 1 1/2 bananas (fresh) 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/3 cup maple syrup.