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Funniest and most insane pictures - - StumbleUpon. Eat This, Not That - StumbleUpon. - stereomood – emotional internet radio - music for my mood and activities - StumbleUpon. Best Movies (of All-Time) All Breeds of Dogs. Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources - StumbleUpon. Non-profit organizations use posters to deliver a particular message.

Web Design Blog, Web Designer Resources - StumbleUpon

These help inform people about current issues, problems and even the possible consequences of their actions. With a sentence that contains strong words or images, these posters give more impact than common commercial posters. To give you an idea, here are 20 sample campaign posters to provoke your imagination. Enjoy! This is not new - StumbleUpon. ◼ Sly & The Family Stone - If You Want Me To Stay - Funk Ferret Edi... / The Hype Machine.

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