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30 Very Useful iPhone Apps For Designers. As a designer you are probably it is likely that you have got yourself an iPhone by now.

30 Very Useful iPhone Apps For Designers

If not I’m quite sure this post may make you reconsider if it is time to invest. This post provides a list of 30 iPhone Apps that will be particularly useful for Designers.


Web2.0. Tips. Tools. w3c. Ajax Community Edition - Compared to GWT, Dojo, Qooxdoo, Sajax, Backbase Customer Experience Platform (CXP) helps you create rich, interactive web portals and mobile applications.

Ajax Community Edition - Compared to GWT, Dojo, Qooxdoo, Sajax,

Allowing you to create, and manage deeply relevant customer experiences on any device. Delighting your customers and driving measurable business results. Backbase CXP comes with a complete set of integrated customer experience management functions, including: integrated content management, what-you-see-is-what-you-get editing, intelligent forms-based dialogs, secure application integration, cross device delivery, smart targeting, digital marketing tools, and integrated analytics. Twin paradox. Subhash Kak, Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at LSU, recently resolved the twin paradox, known as one of the most enduring puzzles of modern-day physics.

twin paradox

First suggested by Albert Einstein more than 100 years ago, the paradox deals with the effects of time in the context of travel at near the speed of light. Einstein originally used the example of two clocks – one motionless, one in transit. He stated that, due to the laws of physics, clocks being transported near the speed of light would move more slowly than clocks that remained stationary. In more recent times, the paradox has been described using the analogy of twins. 911 info.