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The State of the Brain Fitness/ Training Software Market 2009. “Many mar­ket reports pro­vide lit­tle value for the money.

The State of the Brain Fitness/ Training Software Market 2009

This mar­ket report by Sharp­Brains is the pre­cise oppo­site. Daniel Goleman: Yes, You Can Build Willpower (meditate on neurop. (Editor’s note: Daniel Gole­man is now con­duct­ing a series of audio inter­views includ­ing a great one with Richard David­son on Train­ing the Brain.

Daniel Goleman: Yes, You Can Build Willpower (meditate on neurop

We are hon­ored to bring you this guest post by Daniel Gole­man, thanks to our col­lab­o­ra­tion with Greater Good Mag­a­zine.) Yes, You Can: New research sug­gests we can build our willpower – By Daniel Goleman Those of us who strug­gle to resist junk foods or oth­er­wise suf­fer a lack of willpower will be heart­ened by some good news from neu­ro­science. First, the bad news. In a typ­i­cal exper­i­ment on this effect, one group of peo­ple was made to watch a video of a bor­ing scene; another was not. This all sug­gests we have a fixed willpower bud­get, one we should be care­ful in spend­ing. But the good news is that we can grow our willpower; like a mus­cle, the more we use it, the more it grad­u­ally increases over time. As the mus­cle of will grows, the larger our reser­voir of self-discipline becomes. The State of the Brain Fitness/ Training Software Market 2009. Daniel Goleman: Yes, You Can Build Willpower (meditate on neurop.

Alvaro Fernandez: Top 7 FAQs On Brain Fitness And Neuroplasticit. We recently ran an online survey among subscribers of our SharpBrains eNewsletter, and over 500 people said we have helped them make better personal or professional decisions on how to maintain and improve brain fitness.

Alvaro Fernandez: Top 7 FAQs On Brain Fitness And Neuroplasticit

Most gave very illuminating examples, which we are reading and enjoying as we speak. Respondents also had many good questions to ask, so I have selected the 7 most common ones, and answered them below. I hope you enjoy the FAQ session. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Forum on the Future Impact of Neu. By: Alvaro Fernandez The Robert Wood John­son Foun­da­tion just announced a new ini­tia­tive of their Pio­neer port­fo­lio: “On Novem­ber 11–12, the Robert Wood John­son Foun­da­tion (RWJF), work­ing with the Mon­i­tor Insti­tute, will wel­come a small group of researchers, aca­d­e­mics, physi­cians and indus­try lead­ers in the fields of neu­rotech­nol­ogy, neu­rode­vel­op­ment and behav­ior change for a Forum on the Future Impact of Neu­ro­science and Behav­ior Change.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Forum on the Future Impact of Neu

Digital Games for Physical, Cognitive and Behavioral Health. By: Alvaro Fernandez The Robert Wood John­son Foun­da­tion (RWJF) just announced more than $1.85 mil­lion in grants for research teams to study how dig­i­tal games can improve play­ers’ health behav­iors and out­comes (both brain-based and behavioral).

Digital Games for Physical, Cognitive and Behavioral Health

The press release: Nine Lead­ing Research Teams Selected to Study How Dig­i­tal Games Improve Play­ers’ Health “Dig­i­tal games are inter­ac­tive and expe­ri­en­tial, and so they can engage peo­ple in pow­er­ful ways to enhance learn­ing and health behav­ior change, espe­cially when they are designed on the basis of well-researched strate­gies,” said (UC Santa Barbara’s Dr.

Debra) Lieberman. All 9 stud­ies sound inter­est­ing, 3 of them are closer to what we track: Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, San Fran­cisco (San Fran­cisco, CA) A Video Game to Enhance Cog­ni­tive Health in Older Adults. The press release: Here. Brain Fitness and Cognitive Health Authority: Market Research an. Invitation to SharpBrains Summit – Technology for Cognitive Heal. We are excited to invite you to the first vir­tual, global Sharp­Brains Sum­mit (Jan­u­ary 18-20th, 2010).

Invitation to SharpBrains Summit – Technology for Cognitive Heal

The Sharp­Brains Sum­mit will fea­ture a dream team of over 25 speak­ers who are lead­ers in indus­try and research from 7 coun­tries, to dis­cuss emerg­ing research, tools and best prac­tices for cog­ni­tive health and per­for­mance. This inau­gural event will expose health and insur­ance providers, devel­op­ers, inno­va­tors at For­tune 500 com­pa­nies, investors and researchers, to the oppor­tu­ni­ties, part­ner­ships, trends, and stan­dards of the rapidly evolv­ing cog­ni­tive fit­ness field. Reg­is­ter Today Learn more and reg­is­ter Here today, at dis­counted early-bird rates, to receive these benefits: On top of those early-bird dis­counts, we offer an addi­tional 15% dis­count for Sharp­Brains read­ers who want Reg­u­lar Admis­sion. Agenda/ Speak­ers Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 18th, 2010: (Pre­lim­i­nary sched­ule, US Pacific Time) 8–9.15am. 9.30-11am. Noon-1.30pm. 2–3.30pm. 8–9.15am.

About the Summit. 10 Innovations for the Cognitive Fitness of an Aging Society. Over the last few weeks I have had the chance to par­tic­i­pate in the Sum­mit of the Global Agenda run by the World Eco­nomic Forum, and the Forum on Neu­ro­science and Behav­ior Change by the Robert Wood John­son Foun­da­tion.

10 Innovations for the Cognitive Fitness of an Aging Society

10 Innovations for the Cognitive Fitness of an Aging Society. (5 unread) Yahoo! Mail, ematignon.