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Nauczanie i technologia

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Telling another teacher how to teach? It's a sin, says leading academic. It is a sin to observe other teachers’ lessons simply to tell them how to teach, according to one of education’s most influential researchers.

Telling another teacher how to teach? It's a sin, says leading academic

Professor John Hattie, director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute and one of the world’s most widely quoted education academics, told a conference today: “I think it’s a sin to go into a classroom and tell another teacher how to teach. Because all you do is tell them how to teach like you.” He went on to say that 80 per cent of what happens in the classroom remains unseen and unheard by teachers – only the pupils are aware of it. “So why would I give a damn about reflective teaching?” He said. This, he says, is where testing comes in. Od kultury nauczania do kultury uczenia się. Wprowadzenie kultury uczenia się to jeden z ważniejszych celów Budzącej się szkoły.

Od kultury nauczania do kultury uczenia się

Jak pomóc nauczycielom odejść od kultury nauczania i pouczania i przejść do kultury uczenia się? Jak tworzyć środowisko dydaktyczne, w którym mogą zachodzić procesy uczenia się? Tradycyjna metodyka kładła nacisk na nauczanie (rozkłady materiału, planowanie lekcji, pisanie scenariuszy, formułowanie celów lekcji) czyli na aktywności nauczyciela. Wierzono, że jeśli drobiazgowo zaplanuje się proces nauczania, to jego efektem będzie proces uczenia się. Z jakiegoś powodu temu ostatniemu nie poświęcano większej uwagi. Podr online dwiestrony 0. Collaboration - A documentary. WhatsDue - Schedule and Send Reminders to Students. WhatsDue is a free service (available for Android and iOS) that enables teachers to create and send due date reminders to their students. Students receive the reminders as push notifications on their iOS and or Android devices.

Here's how WhatsDue works. First, the teacher registers for a free account on the WhatsDue website and creates a class or classes. Each class is assigned its own unique join code. Teachers then invite students and parents to join the class through the join code. Teachers can create multiple classes and schedule multiple reminders for each class from one dashboard on the WhatsDue website. Applications for Education If you have been leery of using other reminder systems because of privacy concerns with phone numbers or two-way communication, WhatsDue might be for you.

Free Technology for Teachers. How to Create a Short Flipped Lesson With Vialogues. 100 Practical Ed Tech Tips Videos. Co to jest sketchnoting? Wywiad z Natalią Klonowską z Jadźka Rysuje – Piotr Peszko – elearning, szkolenia, projektowanie. Emotikony zastępują internetowy slang. Wyprą tradycyjny alfabet? Czy popularne emotikony są w stanie zastąpić alfabet?

Emotikony zastępują internetowy slang. Wyprą tradycyjny alfabet?

Specjalne mapy Instagrama pokazują, jak emotikony zastępuję internetowy slang - pisze “Daily Mail”. Istnieje ponad 800 emotikonów, a miliony z nas korzystają z nich każdego dnia, używając popularnych aplikacji czy po prostu kontaktując się z bliskimi. Ale czy te malutkie "zdjęcia" przeistoczą się w globalnie rozpoznawalny język, który zastąpi tradycyjny alfabet? Badanie szczegółowe Instagram przebadał niedawno, jak używane są symbole przez użytkowników tej platformy. Z badania wynika, że blisko 40 proc. wiadomości tekstowych lub komentarzy w Instagramie zawiera emotikony. Trello. Use of E-learning in the Developing of the Key Competences – free ebook – Piotr Peszko – elearning, szkolenia, projektowanie. Young Digital Creators (YDC) Voki Home. Bing Maps 3D - Download. Numer 5 (62) / 2015. Video Maker & Photo Slideshow Maker.

Mr. O'Gorman's Resource Class. Apple (PL) - Apple i edukacja. Elearning, platformy e-learningowe, szkolenia e-learning, lms. SchoolTube. The Week in Review - The BETT Edition. Video Diagrams – Help your students visualize your instructions. Adding animations to them not only caught the attention of the students but it really helped the students to understand what they are expected to do.

Video Diagrams – Help your students visualize your instructions

The downside is that it seemed to require a certain level of technology in the classroom to utilize them effectively. You would need a screen, projector or at the very least an overhead camera. This isn’t always practical, especially if you teach at different locations and to different class sizes. I needed a way to make these diagrams more universal, so that they could be viewed from any tablet, mobile device or computer without worrying about formatting issues or installing additional apps. I decided that the best way would be to produce video diagrams. I have produced these three video diagrams for tekhnologic and they are free to download. Play the video and click on share in the top left-hand corner and you will see the option to download the video.

Tools for Teachers & Learners. Camtasia Studio - zastosowania programu w praktyce. Is technology transforming education? By Russell Standard I am looking at the #EdTech tweet feed on my Twitter account as I write this article.

Is technology transforming education?

The tweets are updating almost every second and most of them include words like transform, innovate and flip. The picture that emerges is one where teaching and learning is being transformed. I wonder to myself is that really happening? The innovation is in the teaching Technologies have the potential to be used in an innovative way but they have an equal potential to be used in a very traditional behaviouristic mode. We can see it in the SAMR model for example (a model popularised by Dr Ruben Puentedura). I am making the point that way too much focus is put on the technology and its affordances and not on the way we exploit it.

Of course I don’t want to exaggerate this point. I don’t want to claim any immunity from this. Now, that is not a bad innovation and a good use of screen capture technology but it is not really transformative. Elbow, P., and M.D. SAMR.