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Media Cause - Social Impact & Non-Profit Marketing Agency. How to Get Your Museum Featured in the Media [with Specific Examples] - Museum Hack. From outreach to virality and everything in-between, press is an incredibly nuanced thing.

How to Get Your Museum Featured in the Media [with Specific Examples] - Museum Hack

Getting your museum featured in the media can be a huge win for any institution. Whether you’re a brand new museum at the start of its press journey or an established institution looking to refine your approach, we’ve outlined some of our best tips to help you get started with the three basic parts of engaging with the press: Understanding where press comes fromInterviewing and the actual process of working togetherPromotion or leverage of press coverage Where Press Comes From Here are some of the ways your museum may get press… 1.

The easiest and most obvious way is that a journalist reaches out to you! 2. If you’re looking for a more active approach, you can do press outreach. We suggest doing an internal story development exercise to figure out the angles and positioning you’re looking for in your museum’s coverage. Say you’re opening a new dinosaur exhibit in your museum. Precision Marketing Framework: Five Steps to Maximizing ROI – Arts & Analytics. What It’s Like to Work with a Marketing Agency on Your Annual Fundraiser. The annual fundraiser at the Napa Valley Museum Year after year museums and historical societies and countless other nonprofit organizations host an annual fundraiser.

What It’s Like to Work with a Marketing Agency on Your Annual Fundraiser

These events range from multi-course dinners to cocktail receptions to backyard barbecues. No matter what shape the event takes, the goal is always to increase attendance and raise more money. But how? For the most part, the same core of members attend the event each year and bid on the similar auction items, followed by the fund-a-need. Nonprofits need to rethink their annual fundraiser in a strategic way to achieve success. When I served as executive director of Napa Valley Museum, we needed to make a change in our annual fundraiser. Napa Valley Museum We chose, A. A. The plan outlined the goals and objectives of the event, as well as the strategy for successful event promotion.

A major component of the plan included an event planning timeline. 5 Ways to Use Social Media in an Equitable Way - Rainier Valley Corps. Social media is a powerful tool nonprofit organizations use to communicate with the public.

5 Ways to Use Social Media in an Equitable Way - Rainier Valley Corps

It is important that we, as social media managers, think critically about the messaging we present through our organization’s social media feeds. While there is a constant change in social media trends and it can be difficult to adapt to each new app that becomes popular. When you are trying to keep up with everything, it is easy for equity to get lost. Today, I’m proposing five things you can implement across all platforms that will make your organization’s social media practices more equitable. 1. This is not a competition. Appreciation – 1/3 of posts should be about you or your brandAdvocacy -1/3 of posts should be about your mission, with content from an outside source. 2.

Here in Seattle, we are lucky to have a vibrant amount of ethnic media sources. 3. Think about how you are portraying the communities and people you serve in your posts. 4. How to Maximize Your Brand Engagement on Social Media.