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Ça bouge - Gastronomie. Year 7 using The Hobbit article to describe people | One Year in Spanish. By Britta Sue’s Yr 7 have been writing using The Hobbit article and thoroughly enjoying it too! The article is all about physical description, introducing body features and matching adjectives. There is a reading text and a gap fill activity where students complete model sentences of how to describe a person. They then answer questions on the reading material before building sentences with their personal information (download the article below the cut). Sue’s Yr 7 students have worked through the activities and then engaged in an extended writing activity. The fact that the film is only just being released makes it all the more fantastic for the students as it’s all new and exciting!

Click on this link to download our ¿Qué Tal? How do you motivate students to go the extra mile when setting a writing task? Like this: Like Loading... Publishers of language learning magazines for teenager learners of Spanish, French, German and English. Create a Report using Tellagami and iMovie. #ililc3. MFL edapps - Somewhere to store ideas on useful iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad apps for language learners and teachers. Please note to access the original articles click on the via link at the bottom of each post or double-click if you are using an iPhone/iPa. CLIL4teachers / FrontPage. 40 Fascinating Lectures for Linguistics Geeks. Say Hello to the World. Txt spk badges: in English, French, German, Spanish and Welsh | Routes Into Languages.

What School Lunches Look Like In 20 Countries Around The World: Pics, Videos, Links, News. Best TED Talks on Language & Culture [VIDEO] Foreign Subtitles Improve Speech Perception. Do you speak English as a second language well, but still have trouble understanding movies with unfamiliar accents, such as Brad Pitt's southern accent in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds? In a new study, published in the open-access journal PLoS One, Holger Mitterer (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) and James McQueen (MPI and Radboud University Nijmegen) show how you can improve your second-language listening ability by watching the movie with subtitles -- as long as these subtitles are in the same language as the film.

Subtitles in one's native language, the default in some European countries, may actually be counter-productive to learning to understand foreign speech. Mitterer and McQueen show that listeners can tune in to an unfamiliar regional accent in a foreign language. Dutch students showed improvements in their ability to recognise Scottish or Australian English after only 25 minutes of exposure to video material. Amondawa tribe lacks abstract idea of time, study says. 20 May 2011Last updated at 02:04 By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News The Amondawa were first "discovered" by anthropologists in 1986 An Amazonian tribe has no abstract concept of time, say researchers. The Amondawa lacks the linguistic structures that relate time and space - as in our idea of, for example, "working through the night".

The study, in Language and Cognition, shows that while the Amondawa recognise events occuring in time, it does not exist as a separate concept. The idea is a controversial one, and further study will bear out if it is also true among other Amazon languages. The Amondawa were first contacted by the outside world in 1986, and now researchers from the University of Portsmouth and the Federal University of Rondonia in Brazil have begun to analyse the idea of time as it appears in Amondawa language.

"Amondawa people, like any other people, can talk about events and sequences of events," he told BBC News. But in Amondawa, no such constructs exist. Nine Language-Teaching Myths.


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