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How to Find “Relaxing” Music: A brief guide for the listener. How to Find “Relaxing” Music: A brief guide for the listener “What should I listen to for relaxation?”

How to Find “Relaxing” Music: A brief guide for the listener

If I had a CD for every time I’ve been asked that question, I’d have a huge recording library by now. As a music therapist, people often come to me with their therapeutic music questions. The one most frequently posed asks what kind of music is best for reducing stress. The answer to this is trickier than one might think and draws upon science, cultural context and individual taste. There is an abundance of so-called “relaxation music" available in the marketplace these days.

Tempo and Rhythm That being said, there are certain components within music that can make it more conducive to stimulating relaxation. Predictability and Familiarity Other characteristics of stress-reducing music to keep in mind are predictability and familiarity. Personal Preference One of the most commonly cited pieces of music for relaxation is, albeit the bane of my existence, Pachelbel’s Canon.

How to Relax: 24 steps. 7 Techniques for Overcoming Social Phobia. Meeting me was a sickening nightmare.

7 Techniques for Overcoming Social Phobia

Sue had been dreading it (she cheerfully admitted later). More than just shyness, social phobia causes panic. Even just thinking about meeting or mingling with others can cause a pounding heart, dry mouth, shaky voice, rapid breathing, sweating, blushing, an upset stomach – no wonder it sometimes feels easier to avoid other people all together. For Sue, even seeing family, friends, and colleagues – people she'd met many times before – felt like an ordeal drummed up by the Spanish Inquisition. Actually it was curious: "I'm okay in a work context or when things are a bit more formal and organized, because I know what to talk about. Social phobia spoils life. Yes, most people sometimes get a little self-conscious or feel somewhat shy around others, but social phobia significantly worsens the quality of life.

So how do I get rid of social phobia? Learning to relax in social situations is the key (no surprise there!). I worked with Sue for seven weeks. 5 Best Practices To Overcome Social Anxiety. Sharon would later cheerfully admit that she had been dreading meeting me; but for now, it was still a sickening nightmare.

5 Best Practices To Overcome Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is more than just shyness. Just thinking about meeting or mingling with others can cause a pounding heart, shaky voice, rapid breathing, sweating, blushing, an upset stomach… It’s no wonder it sometimes feels easier to avoid other people completely. For Sharon, even seeing people she’d met many times before – such as family, friends, and colleagues – felt like an ordeal imagined by the Spanish Inquisition. Actually, it was curious: “I’m okay in a work context or when things are a bit more formal. Social anxiety spoils life by getting in the way of what should be fun opportunities to connect with others. Yes, most people get a little self-conscious at times or feel somewhat shy around others, but social anxiety significantly worsens the quality of life. How do I get rid of social anxiety?

1) Practice being relaxed 2) Seek out social situations. Exercises to Reduce Back Pain : How to Relax Your Lower Back. How to Stop Worrying: Self-Help for Anxiety Relief. Why is it so hard to stop worrying?

How to Stop Worrying: Self-Help for Anxiety Relief

Constant worrying takes a heavy toll. It keeps you up at night and makes you tense and edgy during the day. You hate feeling like a nervous wreck. So why is it so difficult to stop worrying? For most chronic worriers, the anxious thoughts are fueled by the beliefs—both negative and positive—they hold about worrying. On the negative side, you may believe that your constant worrying is harmful, that it’s going to drive you crazy or affect your physical health. On the positive side, you may believe that your worrying helps you avoid bad things, prevents problems, prepares you for the worst, or leads to solutions. Negative beliefs, or worrying about worrying, add to your anxiety and keep worry going.

Why you keep worrying You have mixed feelings about your worries. Maybe I'll find a solution. You have a hard time giving up on your worries because, in a sense, your worries have been working for you. Worry and anxiety self-help tip #1: Create a worry period.