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Storify · Create social stories. DISH 2011 conference: Thinking about digital strategies for heritage – Opinions – Archival Platform. Harriet Deacon reports on DISH 2011, the second international conference on digital strategies for heritage in The Netherlands. DISH has been held as a national conference on digital strategies for heritage in The Netherlands for a number of years, but in 2009 it went international; 2011 was the second international DISH conference.

DISH 2011 was characterised by punchy keynotes and many (maybe too many) interesting concurrent sessions. Presentations were mainly from a western European perspective (presenters were predominantly Dutch, Belgian and British with a few Americans and other Europeans thrown in), but I thought there were some take-aways for the (South) African heritage context. Digital strategy and institutional change In reflecting on the African context, one of the most compelling keynotes for me was by Clifford Lynch, talking about institutional change in cultural memory institutions. @archifau: some cultural institutions are like Sleeping Beauty. 1. Notes.

Should museums be using social media more creatively? | Tate Blog. It’s one thing to manage your profiles on the proliferating social networking and sharing sites as an individual, but as an institution it’s quite another. So, we ask ourselves this question at Tate social media HQ all the time. We’d like to know how you see it. When you’re on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Flickr, Foursquare, Google+ (or whatever’s new this month!)

, as yourself, you you tend to know what you’re there for. When you’re there representing an institution, however, it’s much harder to define exactly why you’re there – and what your fans or followers want from you being there! Behind the logo or building facade avatar, cultural institutions can’t quite interact directly as individuals, but they do not function exactly like corporate brands either, the other big users in the space. Advice from the ‘gurus’ is often heavily focused on promotion, whether of yourself, your product or your brand – acquiring followers and return on investment. So how do we balance it? Opera North Projects | Opera North Projects.

Creating exciting performances The work of Opera North Projects crosses conventional boundaries, bringing classical and contemporary arts together in an eclectic year-round programme of performance, visual arts commissions, literary events and artistic development. Projects take apart the elements of opera: words, music, visual arts and theatre, and put them back together in new ways. Opera North Projects produces small-scale touring shows, site specific performance and commissions, together with a rolling programme of artistic residencies.

‘Home’ is the beautifully restored Howard Assembly Room in Leeds, a captivating and flexible performance space whose public programme is curated by the Projects Department. Work often has an emphasis on collaboration, with recent partners including The Royal Shakespeare Company, the Manchester International Festival, Kneehigh Theatre, The Opera Group and The Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Get in touch Current Projects Online Projects Past Projects. Mini Operas - Opera North invites bloggers to get a ruddy blog ON | News | Opera North. This month Opera North will host two separate bloggers events at the Theatre Royal, Newcastle and The Lowry, Salford Quays. A selection of local bloggers and tweeters have been invited to come and see Opera North’s production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Ruddigore. Ruddigore is a witty Victorian melodrama and one of Gilbert & Sullivan’s most inventive works.

Filled with slapstick comedy and old style humour, we are challenging the bloggers not to laugh and form their own opinion on whether ‘the old jokes are still the best?’ The bloggers will receive ‘access some areas’ behind the scenes treatment with a backstage tour and introductions from Opera North representatives and cast members. The Lowry event will offer live tweeting from the auditorium to give an interactive and live story telling element to the evening. For more information about Ruddigore go here. Événements. A propos de La bataille du Centre Pompidou | Florent Deloison | blog. Bien avant la bataille du Centre Pompidou, j’avais commencé à mélanger Twitter et jeux vidéo dans Tweet Runner, un jeu de plate-formes où les niveaux et les ennemis étaient générés à partir des informations de votre compte twitter (messages, followers,…). Parallèlement à ce jeu, dont j’étais assez peu satisfait à la base, je réfléchissais à un projet de jeu collaboratif, où les joueurs utilisant des mots clés sur twitter (appelés également hashtags, et qui ont une grande importance dans l’écosystème Twitter ) pourraient commander un même avatar / personnage.

Je me disais qu’utiliser les hashtag #gauche » et #droite, qui reviennent souvent dans des discutions à caractères politiques sur Twitter serait amusant. Dans cette première ébauche, les joueurs s’alliaient pour déplacer la planète terre afin d’éviter une météorite géante qui avançait de quelques pixels toutes les heures (!). Observer les mécaniques de groupes se mettant en place durant cette soirée aura été un vrai plaisir. La bataille du centre Pompidou @ La nuit des musées 2011, centre Georges Pompidou. ArtsFwd | next practices for arts leaders. Chaîne de Imagination. Iamamiwhoami. Background[edit] Lee, seen performing here in 2008, developed iamamiwhoami with Björklund after the release of her second album in 2009. Since the upload of their first video to YouTube, the project's videos and music have been continuous and operate in "real time," and each song is completed just before being made available for viewing.[4] The first upload, "Prelude 699130082.451322" surfaced on YouTube in December 2009 and was the beginning of a since abstract storyline.

Lee has said of this process "every time a production starts, it’s being released very soon after to keep the conversation with the audience in the present. It’s a chronological storyline of an evolution, from the very beginning up to now. I think the Internet is the place where you can do that iamamiwhoami is widely known for its secrecy.[2][4][6][8][9] As such, Lee's participation was not confirmed until August 2011, where she began giving her first interviews regarding the project. History[edit] 2012–13: kin[edit] Arts 2.0: Examples of Arts Organizations Social Media Strategies. The above slide show was created based on all the information I gathered from my network below. I'm prepping for a workshop on Social Media and wanted do a round up of recent compelling examples of arts organizations using social media strategies and tools. I've covered arts organizations and social media here and there over the past three years and last winter co-wrote a cover story article with Rebecca Krause-Hardie for ArtsReach.

So, thought I'd take an opportunity to query my network via Twitter and Facebook and see what's new. I was particularly interested in examples using blogs, Twitter, Flickr, Youtube, and Facebook. Everyone is a Curator One of the best projects that illustrates the basic idea of Web2.0 - listening and conversation and stakeholders creating their own experience with your organization - comes from the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Here's how Nina Simon described it on her insightful post analyzing the tactics used. 1. More at TechCrunch and Technology in the Arts Blog. Museum 2.0.

Unidentified Sound Object.