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The New Gypsies par Iain McKell - libres comme le vent. Nomades modernes au Royaume-Uni - News - GoSee. The selby photos. The Sartorialist. The Red Velvet Shoe: Tiny victorian cottage « Sharona Design. The old winery by Sven Fennema. Metropolis - Web Cut.


Nuevo Mundo. One could argue that today’s most innovative street artists come from Latin America. The unique visual styles of Os Gêmeos, Bastardilla, Vitché, Saner, Jorge Rodriguez Gerada, and others are not only highly respected in the international art scene, but their work has also been exhibited at renowned museums including the Tate Modern and Fondation Cartier. Nuevo Mundo is the first book to provide a comprehensive documentation of current street art in Latin America by exploring the full spectrum of regional scenes in their impressive diversity. The book is structured into chapters that introduce work from Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Nuevo Mundo features not only established artists from Latin America, but also promising new talents.

In addition to inspiring images, the book’s informed texts describe the history and context of the region as a whole and also give insight into each scene. YOSHIOKA INC. | Design. Glue cinderella. Morgan Motor Company. Marie dessuant - Creabook. Pyramyd formation Pyramyd éditions étapes: étapes: international designflux emploi-design design in europe artdesign Diplômes 2008 Graphisme Design Web Motion design Sound design Architecture Photographie Illustration Image 3D Inscription Connexion Sélection voir toute votre sélection Historique voir tout l'historique Aide Recherche Accueil Marie dessuant marie dessuant Home Profil Book étagère de coin Mobilier portique lumineux Mobilier bow window Mobilier duvet Mobilier flaques de miroir Objet Amis <div id="message" class="erreur"><span class="action-erreur"><img src=" alt="Erreur" /></span><span>Vous devez avoir Javascript d'activ&eacute; pour utiliser pleinement le site</span></div> Freelance Design objet Paris, France il y a plus d'une semaine 12885 fois Ajouter à mes amis Envoyer un message 5 projets étagère de coin (3) Mobilier portique lumineux (2) Mobilier bow window (3) Mobilier duvet (2) Mobilier flaques de miroir (2) Objet À propos de PYRAMYD Contact / Signaler un bug /

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