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Tech2Learn - Digital Storytelling. Digital Storytelling has many definitions, but usually involves the telling of our personal stories combining digital technology to integrate text, sound, graphics and sometimes film. It is a great way for students to begin working with multimedia projects because they tell their own story, learning the techniques and technical tools of this kind of creative expression, but within a familiar context. Technology and Digital Stories Digital stories involve some or all of these components:an engaging and well written storyslides or clipsbackgroundsgraphics or imagestextsounds, narration and/or musica transition to move from slide to slide or clip to clipa title slide and an ending slide that lists credits 7 Elements of Digital Stories Audience - Stories have a particular audience in mind.Purpose - Stories are trying to accomplish a task (inform, educate, entertain, scare, etc.)Content - Content must be meaningful. Digital content adds to the story.

Getting Started with Digital Storytelling. A Handy Interactive Visual on The Digital Storytelling Process. June 24, 2014 Here is a great interactive Thinglink image on the process of digital storytelling I want to share with you today. This graphic is created by Tonia and features a wide variety of iPad apps that go with each of the stages of the digital storytelling process. Tonia used the concept of process writing (popularized by Donal Murray) to design this digital storytelling process visual. This process is made up of 7 stages namely :prewriting, drafting, editing, conferencing, revising, publishing, and sharing. If you hover your mouse over any of these stages you will be able to see a clickable button that you can use to access the list of iPad apps for that stage. I have spent sometime going through the different app suggestions included in this visual and I find them really interesting. Enjoy. Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers and Students.

5 Steps To Successful Storytelling. Visual storytelling. Wp-content/uploads/2014/03/022014-7.pdf. Visual Storytelling: Why Data Visualization is a Content Marketing Fairytale. On average, your readers will only read 28% of the words on a page. Can you tell your whole story in 2-3 sentences? Probably not. The best content marketers start with research and gather great data that supports their message. That data could be customer satisfaction percentages, product ratings, testimonials, reviews, etc. We’re told “Content is king.” and that having great online content is THE marketing miracle to driving sales.

That way is data visualization. Why Data Visualization? Turns out, humans are designed in a way that makes data visualization a great strategy for content marketing. Here are three reasons why people are so attracted to visual content, and why data visualization may work for you. 1. Nowadays, there’s apps to track your sleep patterns, apps to keep track of your daily calorie intake, and apps to track the number of steps you take. 2. Visual content is huge online right now. 3. More of our brain is engaged when we listen to stories. 5 Steps to Telling Your Story. Build Your ThingLink Classroom. Build Your ThingLink Classroom ThingLink is working hard to pack teacher accounts full of useful features for building and managing the ThingLink Classroom.

I am excited to be guest blogging here in February and March to demonstrate great ways to use the new features. Let’s start from the beginning by taking a look at how teachers can create a ThingLink Classroom and add students. Create Your Own ThingLink Classroom Good news! Create Student Accounts ThingLink has streamlined the sign-up process by providing teachers with the power to create student accounts from a simple list of names. Explore this interactive image and be sure to watch the video to see how easy it is to create student accounts with your ThingLink Teacher account.

Launch Your ThingLink Classroom After students have accounts within your ThingLink Classroom, it’s time to let them to try out the tool. Final Thoughts. Digital Storytelling. Storyboarding For People Who Can't Draw (Like Me!) : FRIDAY 101. Center for Digital Storytelling. Новые медиа для нового общества — Дневник проекта. Недавно команда ИРП-Сибирь вернулась с мастер-класса визуальной журналистике. Недавно вернулся из Москвы, с мастер-класса Олега Ганта по визуальной журналистике.

Впечатления отличные, КПД работы тренера – 100% :) Олегу удалось не столько научить участников профессионально владеть какими-то сервисами и приемами, чтобы визуализировать свои журналистские истории, сколько посвятить в философию создания по-настоящему мультимедийного контента. А без этого просто невозможно эффективно донести свои мысли до современной аудитории и вовлечь ее в проблему, о которой рассказываешь. На мастер-классе мы разбились по командам, каждая делала свой проект – визуализировала материал из своей реальной практики или создавала что-то новое. Олег рассказал о нескольких общедоступных сервисах, которые очень легко позволяют превратить буквы в картинки, например о проекте, в котором можно запросто создать неплохую инфографику. У большинства участников получились очень достойные работы.

Комментарии. Elena Godunova) Login with Facebook Login with Google connect with Google Drive I agree to the Metta Terms of Service Why educators love Metta? Sharing videos with a group isn’t a big deal but the feedback remains hidden if you can’t see how those videos perform, or if you can't ask questions directly within the video and see results. Then you won’t be able to iterate and personalise the learning experience. Contacts Dragontape Ltd. Home Lesson Editor Groups About Feedback Pricing Terms Metta All Rights Reserved, 2014. Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator. How to tell engaging stories for non-profits, charities, and causes. Edgar. Seven Tips for Effective Storytelling | Donorworx Blog. Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that 10,000 hours of practice are necessary to become an expert or master in a chosen field of practice. Our chosen field of practice at donorworx is face-to-face fundraising, which we also like to think of as the art of storytelling.

Who better to look to as a Master Storyteller then Lori L Jacbowith, who has more than 25 years of experience telling and coaching thousands of stories as both a nonprofit staff person and a trainer and coach. Lori shares her top 7 suggestions for mastering your storytelling. Stories should be about real people who need something, hopefully something that YOUR organization provides.Allow the person in your story to have a real name, age, and to speak for themselves.Minds wander, get real quickly. In about 4 – 10 seconds your listeners tune out if you haven’t grabbed them. Like this: Like Loading... Как рассказать историю в курсе? Это дорого? Каждый раз, когда я выхожу в зал и начинаю говорить про то, что курс должен быть интересным и там должна быть история и он должен увлекать людей, я сразу слышу стандартный набор мнений:это нужно анимировать - это очень дорого нужен хороший художник - тоже дорого нужны специалисты - тоже дорого Посмотрев на один инструмент, который использовал Игорь Хесин на Саммите, я поняла, что пора оспорить эти аргументы.

Создать историю в курсе - это недорого и несложно. Для этого не нужно быть супер специалистом. Нужно просто знать, что именно вы хотите рассказать, кому и почему им это будет интересно. Сделайте максимальную проработку контекста и содержания, а внешний вид, симпатичный и необычный, можно создать с помощью бесплатных инструментов. Каждый инструмент я попробовала, но не судите строго - времени на совершенствование работы с каждым не было. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Таких простых и бесплатных инструментов очень много и ими можно оформить историю, причем быстро и без дополнительных затрат. PixiClip. Visual Storytelling. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my work, in addition to research and analysis, is visual storytelling. The decks you see in my slideshare account as well as all the visuals I use to illustrate concepts at my custom keynotes are my product and my selection.

The "best of" compilation I worked on for the blog's yearbook a couple of years ago was especially rewarding -- putting together appropriate images with posts has been an hallmark of this blog. At work I collaborate with visual designers and art directors who can take concepts to a whole new level. It is a blessing to see the finished products through. Good visuals tell a story powerfully. Whenever I am looking for inspiration, I log onto slideshare or prezi. Here are a couple of recent discoveries and a few timeless examples of good visual storytelling. Incidentally, Bob Sutton provided one more reason to learn more about Creativity,Inc. in the new upcoming book by Pixar's Ed Catmull#. Valeria is an experienced listener. 6 Good Tools to Generate Writing Prompts. All writing starts with an idea which is then expanded and elaborated, but coming up with ideas to write about is not always easy particularly when you have to teach different classes.

This is where digital writing prompts come in handy.These are web tools that you can use to generate ideas and story starters for students to write about. I have compiled some of these tools for you below , check them out 1- Things to Think About Kids’ Things to Think About provides 100 prompts to spark thinking for written responses and encourage conversations about ideas and issues for kids. Created by students and teachers in Michigan, it can be used in classrooms or with families by allowing children to explore the prompts and by using them to guide a discussion or lesson. This is a good tool that can helpyou generate new ideas to be used for writing short stories, plays or any other writing task. Plinky is another wonderful tool for writing prompts. A story start is the first chapter of the book. A New Tool for Adding Storytelling to Your Product Pitches.

Suddenly, these objects are part of an inspiring narrative — one that I can use to reveal something meaningful about myself to others. That’s something I am willing to pay for. - Ty Montague What if there was a tool that helped you through each step of the storytelling process: content gathering, narrative construction, and slide design. Think of it as “iMovie trailers for product pitches.” There are countless books, articles, and blog posts out there preaching the persuasive value of storytelling. However, after all the inspirational reading, people are still left with the same broken process for building their story. So I came up with something that makes it easier to design stories for your product. Focus on the Narrative, Not Just Slide Design The goal of this tool is to put the first two steps of presentation design—content gathering and narrative construction—on equal footing with slide design.

The first few slides of the template are instructional. StoryMap JS - Telling stories with maps. Braincast 90 – Storytelling. Como a publicidade se apropriou da forma mais poderosa de ativar nosso cérebro Muito antes de se transformar em mais um chavão da publicidade, a milenar prática de contar histórias já era considerada como a forma mais poderosa de ativar nossa cérebro. É ciência (não é feitiçaria). A força do storytelling foi descoberta pelas marcas, e amplamente adotada como forma de capturar a atenção e engajar a audiência. A arte de contar histórias para vender produtos, ideias, serviços, etc, se tornou tendência, e nos anos mais recentes de Cannes Lions tem marcado presença inevitável entre as grandes campanhas vencedoras. No Braincast 90, Carlos Merigo, Saulo Mileti e Guga Mafra conversam com Domenico Massareto e Renato Kaufmann sobre a estrutura do storytelling e o que uma história precisa ter pra ser boa e engajar as pessoas.

Google Creative Sandbox Esse episódio do Braincast é um oferecimento de Creative Sandbox É Google ajudando a fazer sua campanha acontecer e bombar. 5 Fantastic Apps for Digital Storytelling on iPads. This is a guest post from Samantha Morra of Computers, and the digital tools on those computers, brought video editing to the classroom years ago. As those tools became easier to use, more and more students were given opportunities to share and demonstrate knowledge using video. iPad continues to transform the process by integrating the key elements of digital storytelling - capturing photos, videos, and audio - all in one mobile device. Through apps, iPad provides a variety of options for how to compose or combine those key elements to create an effective demonstration of learning. Digital storytelling is a powerful tool in the classroom. So, grab your iPad and check out some of the best free apps for digital storytelling: With Tellagami, students can create quick animations that liberate them from the physical world and remove concerns about appearance and general physics.

ScreenChomp is an awesome way to use screencasting for storytelling with our youngest learners. Perspective. Ideas for Using iPads for Digital Storytelling. By Sam Gliksman The following is the first of a series of excerpts from Gliksman’s book iPad in Education for Dummies. The digital aspect of storytelling raises the art to a new level of experience.

The emergence of technology and digital media has resulted in some significant departures from the traditional role of storytelling in education: Stories have become media-rich experiences. Billions of mobile devices are in the hands of people worldwide, and an ever-increasing percentage of those devices contain video cameras, still cameras, and microphones. Whenever anything of personal significance happens, it can be captured and chronicled in digital media that we edit, process, and publish. Reading and writing remain crucial educational components. Then we reached the information age. Students are becoming producers of knowledge: digital storytellers who use technology to express themselves. Students traditionally produced a product for an audience of one: their teacher.

Related. 5 Elements of Transmedia Storytelling in Infographic Form. The Power of Emotion in Digital Storytelling. Good content comes from strategy. Great stories... from passion. Great stories, they travel. They go beyond borders and cultures, ages and languages. Universal connectors, they talk to everyone and touch us all. In marketing parlance, they are not always on-brand or contain product truth. What they do contain is a generous mix of emotion that warms us deep inside. Talk To Humans. The beauty of a great story is that it connects with us at the most basic level – human. More than keywords, message purity, authenticity, and relevance to audience are key. Your Brand Story. Bear in mind, while purchase is entirely a matter of context (product type, price, need, timing, age) - the point is: We may not buy the product, but we buy-in to the brand...

Great brands are built on stories. China - Malaysia: Malaysian rice company, Bernas wishes Happy Chinese New Year (Gong Xi Fa Cai) Thailand: Thai mobile network, TrueMove H's commercial on the concept of 'giving without hope of return' 5 Brilliant Tools for Student Storytelling. The Joy of Data Driven Storytelling. Make Story a Priority | Seven Story Learning. Digital Storytelling 106: Open, Participatory, Student-centric, Social...the Future? Popular Methods for Online Storytelling. (BRAND) STORYTELLING 101, LESSON 1 | Chelsea Tells Stories.

8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling. 3 Storytelling Styles that Work for Any Presentation. Do You Know How to Tell a Great Story. Storytelling Websites and Resources | Elizabeth Figa. Elizabeth... Photos and videos are shared 12x more than text. Why Teachers Need to Be Great Storytellers. 9 apps for creating multimedia content. Turn your media into memorable stories. How interactive technology is transforming storytelling. Storytelling for YouTube Generation. 8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling. Yahoo acquires multimedia storytelling app Qwiki. How To Help Your Content Rise Above The Noise. Narrable. Yahoo acquires multimedia storytelling app Qwiki. Choose from a Kit | Scroll Kit. Your Stories. Narrable.

Marquee: Easier, Faster, more Beautiful Publishing. 8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling. Tell Stories, Share Topics, Make Impact. StoryToolz : Resources for Authors. Amazon launches Storyteller to turn scripts into storyboards — automagically. Visual Storytelling 101 - SlideShare 3D. 36 Digital Storytelling Sites and Apps From edshelf. What’s My Story Using Drama & Technology For Storytelling (Ihci 2008) The top 10 ways to create digital magazines. Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers and Students. The Top 17 Free Digital Storytelling Apps for The iPad. A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers. MapStory : Welcome! Four-dimensional storytelling - Elena Godunova.

10 Great Web Tools to Create e-Books for your Classroom.