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Pop Secret. Retro Futurism. Retro Futurism Frank R.

Retro Futurism

Paul was an illustrator of US pulp magazines in the science fiction field. He was born in Vienna, Austria… Frank R. Paul was influential in defining what both cover art and interior illustrations in the nascent science fiction pulps of the 1920s looked like. Many many years ago (~1940), Frank R. DIY Marbled Glassware. When graphic designer and artist Joanna Bean Martin shared with us her technique for marbling the bottoms of glassware with nail polish, we couldn’t wait to try it ourselves.

DIY Marbled Glassware

Who knew it would be such an easy way to add color and pattern to your next tablescape or party? Remember, the brighter and bolder colors you use, the more the glasses will radiate and glow. Have fun! You’ll need:flat bottomed glasswarevariety of colorful nail polishclear nail polisha disposable plastic containernail polish removerpainters tapetoothpicks. Cute, clever and quite bitter.

Fonts and Calligraphy

Stencils. Hubble Heritage Gallery of Images. AGindex2. Artwork of Andrew Mar. Слов нет, одни эмоции. Sheharzad (65 фото - 12.43Mb) - Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама.