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The Twitter @mention and how it works. The Mention Explained. and its uses. Soufiane. @soufell. Check out this inventor. Create a web page. Page title. Education. Auslan - Signbank. Auslan - Signbank. The Meaning of FTW. Believe it or not, FTW has its origins in the television show, "Hollywood Squares.

The Meaning of FTW

" From its first usage on the popular game show, the term then spread to an online game called Defense of the Ancients (known more commonly as DotA.) This game is a spinoff of Blizzard's popular Warcraft III series. From DotA, this word spread to other online games such as World of Warcraft. Because of the spread of the word via online games, the term is highly popular and very heavily used in the online gaming community.

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