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Google Classroom

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Google Drive Level Up Challenge - Teacher Tech. Part of my lesson for this week is to introduce my students to Google Drive.

Google Drive Level Up Challenge - Teacher Tech

Some of the students are adept at tech skills and others struggle with highlighting text. To help differentiate for the variety of Google Drive knowledge, I created a challenge list the students can choose from. The students choose the challenges on the list they wish to try. Classroom Help. Google Classroom: Provide Feedback Faster - Teacher Tech. The faster you provide feedback for students the more motivated the students are and it increases learning opportunities.

Google Classroom: Provide Feedback Faster - Teacher Tech

When using Google Docs I need to know when students have worked on a document or have submitted a document. Unfortunately Google Classroom does not have a list of recently submitted work. (Yet, the fine folks at Google Classroom read your feedback, click the question mark in the bottom right hand corner and submit feedback often!)

If you want to know if students have worked on a document or have turned a document in recently here are some tips: The genius of Google Classroom is that it is connected with Google Drive.