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Education Technology - theory and practice: 5 Visions about Future of Mobile Learning. One analysis of the Digital Education Revolution. The presentation slides below are the basis for a talk I’ll be giving this Thursday as part of my study toward a Graduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching. The aim is to analyse the Digital Education Revolution (DER) and identify any shortcomings and strengths (hint: I found it heavy on the former and light on the latter). The talk is being done in Elluminate to other students. Don’t know the connection details, but if you wanted to participate I could chase that up. Let me know. In summary, my conclusion (which is not likely to be all that novel) is that the DER is pleasing in that it represents a fairly significant engagement (in terms of money) by the Federal Government with the question of teaching, learning, schooling and technology. The biggest problem with the DER is that it is based on the assumption that the coming “digital world” requires new approaches to teaching and learning and it believes this can be done solely by adding technology for students.

References ANAO. (2010). Некоторые комментарии к статье Обрзование 2.0. / Блог Санкт-Петербургского городского родительского комитета. Сразу оговорюсь: так же как и сама рассматриваемая статья, данные заметки не должны восприниматься читателем как строгий документ. Это лишь набросок впечатлений, возникших по прочтении статьи “Образование 2.0. Взгляд педагога” ( ) и повод для дальнейшей дискуссии. Первое и, если хотите, общесмысловое замечание по статье: её автор, по моему мнению, слишком широко “замахивается”.

Смело заявляя, что на смену “образованию 1.0” приходит некое "Образование 2.0", автор намекает на необходимость "создания нового человека" средствами этого самого “нового образования”. То, что индустриальному обществу на смену приходит информационное - нет никаких сомнений, НО смена формации не может исключать (и не исключает) необходимости опоры человека на объективные, научные сведения о мире и на опыт предыдущих поколений. Теперь по пунктам. Что же предлагается на сей раз? Первый принцип - "принцип субъектности". По-моему, он ходит на руках, вверх ногами.

Are MOOCs the Future of Online Learning? Teaching Strategies Arienne McCracken In education, we often hear arguments in favor of smaller class sizes. These arguments contend that students learn better when there are fewer of them in a class, because each one gets more individualized attention from the instructor. So it may seem counter-intuitive to support classes that can swell to several thousand participants. How can students learn in these sorts of settings? How can instructors handle the crowd? The answers to these questions aren’t found in traditional classrooms — no surprise. MOOCs challenge many of the notions we have about formal learning: where and how and from whom learning happens, how we gauge success.

The acronym MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. MOOCs redefine academic courses in several ways. And that’s one of the key pieces with a MOOC. MOOCs challenge many of the notions we have about formal learning: where and how and from whom learning happens, how we gauge success. Interested in a MOOC? Related. Massively Open Online Courses – the Death of Universities? #Change11 What sort of changes are required in our education system. This week’s topic and presentation on Managing Technology by Tony Bates sounds interesting to me. Slides of Managing Technology to Transform Teaching by Tony Bates. Recording of the Managing Technology To Transform Teaching Blackboard Jenny responded with her post in Is our education system in crisis? Others who have responded to Tony’s topic included: Matthias Melcher Viplav Baxi Squire Morley Jenny mentions that it may come from within and without.

If it is coming from within, then “it is crucial that we can facilitate change from within – mainly by empowering people and inspiring them with a powerful and shared vision.” These urges were also the result of ubiquitous use of new and emerging technology (including information and communication technology) in various areas of business and industries, some of the schools, and the rapid development of social media and the related tools during the past ten years. Reasons: People: Who are the people initiating changes? Photo: Google Image. MOOC participation - open door policy and analytics. The other day I was reading ZML Didaktik on the topic of MOOC participants. In MOOCs, one of the big questions is why are people lurking and not participating? If more than 500 people join a MOOC, why are only 10% contributing with any amount of regularity? On the same blog, in a previous blog post, I had commented (it was an open stream of thought really) that perhaps there should be an open enrollment period, and then if the system sees that certain participants are bellow a threshold of activity, the system may give them the option to self-identify as a lurker, or un-register from the class.

This line of thought went along a view that compared to the traditional classroom; in a traditional classroom students register for the course, they can attend classes for a week and then decide whether or not they want to stay with the course or not. If people don't participate for X period of time, they get a notification by email.

Some questions I will leave you with: New Technologies and the Future of Learning. The Future of Learning is Mobile. Future Mobile Learning (29 August 2011) The Future of Mobile Learning. Mobile Trends 2020. Bridge to Learning - Educational Research. Graham Attwell interviews Jenny Hughes about Evaluation 2.0 Evaluation 2.0 is a set of ideas about evaluation that Pontydysgu are developing. At its simplest, it’s about using social software at all stages of the evaluation process in order to make evaluation more open, more transparent and more accessible to a wider range of stakeholders. At a theoretical level, we are trying to push forward and build on Guba and Lincoln’s ideas around 4th generation evaluation which is a constructivist approach incorporating key ideas around negotiation, multiple realities and stakeholder engagement.

But this is the first part of the journey – ultimately, I believe that e-technologies are going to revolutionise the way we think about and practice evaluation. Firstly, the use of social media gives stakeholders a real voice – irrespective of where they are located. Stakeholders can create and publish evaluation content. For example, in the past I might carry out some interviews as part of an evaluation.

Preparing Students for an Online World. Новые вызовы, стоящие перед университетами. Одновременно с новыми технологическими разработками, потребностями общества и парадигмы знания меняются, и бюджеты государственных образовательных структур, сокращаются именно тогда, когда спрос на непрерывное образование расширяется. Технологические инновации меняют учебный процесс, трансформацию информации в знание для решения реальных проблем. В педагогике доминирует эмпирический подход.

Эмпирические исследования ограничены в предсказании будущего, потому что черпают информацию из прошлого и описывают настоящее. Для изучения влияния Интернет на образование нужны новые методы исследования с учетом динамических понятий, связанных с глобализацией. Причина успеха открытых университетов заключается в том, что они в первую очередь создавались для удовлетворения национальных потребностей, имели поддержку правительства и национальных университетов, и были призваны обеспечить бесплатное образование без получения прибыли.

«Каждый учитель всегда ученик и каждый ученик учитель» New or renewed institutions for education? #change11 « connectiv. Now You See It // The Blog of Author Cathy N. Davidson » The Best Idea for Higher Ed That I’ve Seen in Ages. I just learned about an amazing project (still in Beta) sponsored by the Australian Eight, the eight largest national universities in the country, called “The Conversation.” The Conversation translates the best scholarly research into lively journalism. A team of professional editors, quite renowned in their collective experience, curates and selects the best research from many fields produced by specialized academics and recasts it as journalism for the larger public as well as for academics in other fields.

They turn specialized scholarly research designed for peers into accessible, interesting, urgent, and sometimes even delightful fun and creative information for the public at large. Here’s the url so you can explore this rich, full, and inspiring website for yourself: Now, there are some drawbacks. First, at present, The Conversation is heavily skewed towards science, technology, business, and policy.

We will: Tech Professional Development in Schools - a model. Openness as Catalyst for an Educational Reformation (EDUCAUSE Review. © 2010 David Wiley. The text of this article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License ( EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 45, no. 4 (July/August 2010): 14–20 David Wiley ( is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology in the David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University.

Comments on this article can be posted to the web via the link at the bottom of this page. The word open is receiving a lot of attention in education circles. For over a decade, open has been used as an adjective to modify a variety of nouns that describe teaching and learning materials. Although the modified nouns (content, resources, courseware, textbooks) differ from one another, the actions that operationalize the concept of openness are the same.

The Role of Openness I'm frequently asked: "What is the appropriate role of openness in education? " How Sharing Is Changed by New Technology A Lesson from History. Форсайт "Образование-2030″ Стратегическая форсайт-сессия в области образования "Образование 2030″ прошла 17-19 октября 2010 года в пансионате "Бекасово-СПА" в рамках EduCamp 2010. Её провела группа Метавер совместно с проектом Intel "Обучение для будущего", венчурным фондом "Начинай", Opera Software, МАН "Интеллект будущего", МИЭМ, ГК Прогрессор, FuturoTok. За три дня полсотни участников создали 5 карт времени, описали около 30 стартовых и 20 будущих трендов, выявили 6 стратегических развилок, предложили 26 перспективных технологий, и подготовили пакет из 8 законодательных актов, ведущих к образу желаемого будущего.

Зачем все это было сделано, какую задачу мы решали с помощью технологии Rapid Foresight? Метод Rapid Foresight Мы предполагаем, что в ближайшие 20 лет изменятся основные институты, занимающиеся образованием, изменятся цели, содержание и форма образования. Появятся новые аудитории, которым будут необходимы новые методы образования и новые способы доставки образовательного контента. Карты времени Credits. What is important in learning? Storage, knowledge, connections? #change11. Infographic: Online Students vs. Traditional Students |

#Change11: Looking forward and looking back - Small Changes; BIG RETURNS. Personal Digital Learning is Changing the World. Email Share October 26, 2011 - by Tom Vander Ark 0 Email Share About a decade ago, the launch of Wikipedia was symbolic of an important threshold in human history—anyone with a broadband connection could learn almost anything for free or cheap. This year inexpensive tablet computers and free resources like Khan Academy are extending the learning revolution. Personal digital learning is providing three primary benefits, as outlined in my new book, Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World . School of One, a New York City math pilot, is a good early example of the potential of customized learning. Borrowing from Halo and Angry Birds, the second benefit of digital learning is improved student motivation.

Mobile learning and motivated learners means more learning hours per year—at schools and at home. Equalization is the third benefit of digital learning. Most schools that leverage personal digital learning will combine old and new methods of learning in creative ways. 4 Technologies That Could Change The World. Right now is such an exciting time to be alive, as science and technology hurtles humanity forward at such incredible rates. Who would’ve thought ten years ago that we’d have one touch access to all the information in the world, on our phones!? At this rate, what are we going to see in another ten years?

With any luck, it’ll be one or more of these four incredible technologies that will very likely change the world. Autonomous Cars Equipped with an array of radar, laser and optical scanners, autonomous – or self-driven – cars are already at an advanced stage of research where they are fully functional. Surely, computer controlled cars are accident prone? Why is safer? Benefits to Humanity: Given that human error and lapses of concentration are the main causes of traffic accidents, the benefits of autonomous vehicles absolutely cannot be underestimated. The Mind Reader Here it is. How does it work? Benefit to Humanity: Tricky. Robotic Learning Babies Augmented Limbs Image Credit: ShutterStock 1.